I have 3 users so far (I think since outlook 365 updated) that have found PAOP disabled in outlook… for slowness and issues ??
I have here with the PowerArchiver Outlook Plug-In 3.04 the following Problem.
When I wanted to go to the options in outlkook 2007 and than go to the Register powerarchiver, then Outlook seems for a short time to be broken, but than the Register powerarchiver opens in a Windows which is as big as the Monitor.
In this Windows I can not make any changes or so.
I can only close the windows with alt + F4, but than the whole Option Windows is closed.
Here is a Screen with Outlook 2007and PowerArchiver Outlook Plug-In 2.4
This Screens shows Outlook 2007 with the PowerArchiver for Office Plug-In 3.04
So at the Moment I Need to go back to the Plug in 2.4 because this version works good for me.
If I choose compress with options, and then try to create my own filename for an archive, I cannot do it. I have to choose one of your profiles from the shell, compress it, and then rename it to what I want. One of the many reasons I want to be able to add my profiles to the shell.
I have been unable to use the AC for a day now. I assume it is just a downed server. If not, then something is amiss on my system, and I need to figure out what.
Very odd. Right now I can upload files to AC via ZTE, but I cannot upload them directly from within PACLOUD.
. . . on either the 64 or 32 bit machines. I keep getting an authentication error.
Adding my PW does not help.
But from within PA, I can get to my AC.
I am guessing that ZTE 2013 doesn’t play well with the upgraded (upgrading) AC server.
BTW. It also does not work the way it should within Outlook. the dialogue opens, but it does not compress it and does not send it to the attachment cloud.
I noticed that when the user opens the AC and right clicks on a file, there is a grayed out option: “Copy to Clipboard direct download link.”
Will this be active in the next update?
If we plop this link in an email, will it be governed by the settings in ZTE – e.g., how long the recipient has to download it, whether it notifies us when it is downloaded, etc.?
And will the next version have the correct version number in the about screen? I do not it confusing when the number and revision date are incorrect.
Any chance you will be adding a delete option? If not, will there be a column that shows the user if the file is still active (can still be downloaded)?
The notification of file downloads via the Attachment Cloud are no longer working in the last couple of alpha releases. Not sure if it still works in 13.03.
Perhaps when you fix this, you can also get it to send simple one acknowledgement, rather than two.
Hi All,
I am working windows machine.
I need code for ziping file using powerarchiver in command prompt. For unzip i will use the below code.
C:\Projects\Wrigley\POWERARC.EXE -e “C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\wa\ka6timwh.zip” “C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\wa”
But i don’t have zip code. can you please provide me.
Hi Team,
I noticed that ZTE Requires the user to type in their details via the Configuration page.
Now, this kinda looks off to me as once the user registers their details its a tab that just sits there.
Could you either Duplicate the Pop up box used in PowerArchiver? Or move the Register section into the “About” page at the mid bottom page.
That way you are keeping all Data on the version, the user and the conditions on one tab.
And if that works and looks neat you could roll that over to PowerArchiver and remove it’s pop up window.
I understand that ZTE ideally is to be kept separate from PA.
But due to some of the features Utilizing the same as PowerArchiver’s Application such as FTP.
It would be good if the user could interact with those inside either applications.
For example for FTP users may have PA Profiles already setup and wish to use them or edit them slightly, So what would be create is two tick boxs in the ZTE Configuration screen under FTP (Pro) -> Profiles;
Import PowerArchiver’s FTP ProfilesSync PowerAchiever’s FTP Profiles
The user can only choose one option and when they do the other box greys out.
An exact copy of PA’s FTP Profiles into ZTE at that time yet enables the user to change them without it modifying PAs profile.
Basically it adjusts ZTE’s FTP Profile to use PowerArchiver’s FTP Profile. Any changes in either application is synced between them.
This would be very handy for users like me, who can use either or and don’t want to be duplicating settings all the time.
Hi Team,
Within the Zip To Email 2013 Configuration Page when tabbing there is little to no order.
Could you index those fields, boxes and buttons in order per page.
Hi Guys,
I have just registered my Copy of ZTE withing Office 2010 (No Service Pack) on Windows XP Pro SP3.
The product registered without a problem. But one thing i have noticed is the Register Icon that appears within the Ribbon still appears.
I know in VBA you can do this so can you set it up that when the product is registered successfully you remove that “Register” icon?
Thank you,
I cannot get the attachment cloud to work. It does not send me an verification email. And I doing something wrong?
Two glitches with ZTE (when I use my own server):
encryption doesn’t work. I have to use plain FTP. if the file name has any spaces in it (and many of mine do), the hyperlink does not work. ZTE sets up a hyperlink only to the end of the first word in the filename; so it doesn’t really work unless I truncate the name before sending.No major disaster, but something odd.
I decided to remove ZTE and go back to PAOP.
It had one odd consequence. It fouled up my FTP settings which I could fix only by uninstalling and then reinstalled PA.
It may be that there is is minor tweak that would solve this problem.
BTW, I had exactly the same thing happen on two different machines – both running Win 7, but one running 32 bit and one 64.
Hi Guys,
This bug was found on my new work laptop Specs
Windows XP SP3
Office 2010
Reference the Folders temp location.
The button that typically opens a location window doesnt.
No error when installing .14 this time either. I did do a upgrade from .13 to .14 and I noticed it wiped all my settings so not sure if thats on purpose at the moment during testing or not.
Not sure what its doing, but if I try and update PA or ZTE using PatchBeam it doesnt do anything. Do a repair install on PA you think? Wasnt sure if ZTE broke PA’s PatchBeam or not.
Zte 1.00.17 alpha testing!!!
Pretty cool just downloaded and will give it a try!
Pretty cool just downloaded and will give it a try!
let us know what you tried it with as well (email client).
It hung trying to finish the install for me, and for whatever reason I am not seeing any shell options at all other than my normal PA ones. Ill do a uninstall/reinstall tomorrow and report back.
please redownload installer from the link above again tomorrow, uninstall current one and then install that one…. thanks!
it appears to be hanging when I input my username/password into the attachment cloud service.
is there an issue with cloud ?didnt you run this version already?
Redownloaded from the link above and its installing now but seems to be again stuck on removing backup files. Ill let it keep running see if it completes. Doesnt say it has stopped responding just kinda sitting there.
*Update: Its been 20 minutes at least. Going to cancel the install for now.
*Update 2: Odd…there was a attachmentcloud window that had popped up behind another window of mine that I didnt see. Signed up for the service to see if thats what the installer was waiting on. No email fro teh past 10 minutes though so far. Ill wait and see.
*update 3: still waiting on email activation…hmmm…I went ahead and told it to not use attachmentcloud and it completed the install no problem.
you can register here ‘KarbonKopy’ for ‘attachmentcloud’.
once registered it may make a difference when you have the option checked.
Claims user has already been registered…probably from trying to sign up through the client even though I never got the auth email.
email didn’t worm it’s way into your junk mail did it buddy by chance ?
I’m guessing you’ve already checked for that though. -
Yeah sure didn’t nothing at all.
sorry couldn’t be of any use then buddy…I guess the team will solve this issue for you.
Claims user has already been registered…probably from trying to sign up through the client even though I never got the auth email.
check the spam folder? i am sure it is there!
also, try the ftp via shell extensions!
is ugly site that has password recovery/resend, etc.
Same issue, if I try to register it tells me I already am. If I try and login it tells me I am un regestered. If I click on forgot password I still get no email….man what a mess I am.
Also I dont see any shell extensions either after a few reboots. Man am I special.
latest version 1.00.12:
- AC registration screen now starts AFTER installation is done so it can easily be seen ;-).
- Fix for 64bit uploading in ZTE Outlook
- Other smaller fixes and changes.
good catch on PB, we will fix it tomorrow!
are you using 32bit or 64bit shell?
32 bit I would think as I am running Windows 7 SP1 x32
Glad I was able to help on the PB thing! :)
i validated your account….
i am glad you are having all these issues since we can fix them fast and you are our old user :-)))
we will try to have FTP in Plugin running in few days too.
i am glad you are having all these issues since we can fix them fast and you are our old user :-)))
we will try to have FTP in Plugin running in few days too.
Least I can do for one of my favorite pieces of software Ive ever used. I can’t say enough good things about PA and Im sure this will be no different. Very glad to help!
OK back in the office and ready to rock anything you upload. Keep me posted!
we should have another update in a day :-)
are we asking too much spwolf by asking for info on what ‘fixes’ have been implemented since last build ? :o
I mean of course on the day of it’s release to us and not right now.
i will tell you once i know :-). Today we worked on reply.
problem was how to tell that shell extensions already worked on the file so Outlook ZTE will not compress it again… and we found a much better way now so it will work correctly when you reply.
http://dl.powerarchiver.com/zte10013.exe- reply fixed
- improved various other issues.
http://dl.powerarchiver.com/zte10013.exe- reply fixed
- improved various other issues.
the reply fix is this reference 2003 issues? or in general?
I wont be in work till next week, i can then install it and check it out… i am going to install on my home system with office 2010.
the reply fix is this reference 2003 issues? or in general?
I wont be in work till next week, i can then install it and check it out… i am going to install on my home system with office 2010.
the reply fix is this reference 2003 issues? or in general?
I wont be in work till next week, i can then install it and check it out… i am going to install on my home system with office 2010.
to answer you better, we worked on all reproducible issues we could found, and fixed them, so there is possibility that one of those also fixed your issue… lets see!
http://dl.powerarchiver.com/zte10014.exe- added support for FTP upload from Outlook (so far worked only from shell)
- added support for choosing default FTP profile (used both in shell and Outlook)
- small improvements to AttachmentCloud upload and error handling
- more securitfy to overall application - you will need to reenter your AttachmentCloud login information because now it is stored in secure way
- bug fixes: images in shell extensions
Build 1.00.14
Improvements in the installation process are noticed!! the screens are central, it seems more stable doesnt hang etc.
In regards towards the ZTE Configuration Screen, this still doesnt centre on a dual screen.
I am waiting on the “error” bug to appear on the 2003 system.
http://dl.powerarchiver.com/zte10015.exe- problem with enabling FTP option in Outlook 2010 ribbon
Build 1.00.14
After a restart i received the same “Error” message as reports in prior models.
I was replying to an email from someone who had a picture as an attachment.
Ironicaly it was the email i sent to you drazen ;)
Hey Richard,
in .15 as well?
Has there been any changes to installer by any chance??
I tried installing over .14 and it’s stalled on “Removing Backups” / “Installing Zip To Email…”
Installed over .14 and got no errors (it has completed). Erased my FTP profiles again though.
noticed an issue with upgrading over previous installation or “repairing” the current once, logged in.
To those using AC, please go to Config, enter your AC login info and click OK.
Go back to config>AC options, has your AC password changed? -
Hey Mili,
I did this in the ZTE utility and it seems to have indeed changed or it is telling me to check my username/password.
Same happens here, for some reason the password changes. I wanted to confirm it with others to make sure it’s not just me, thanks for checking :)
Logged it in! -
http://dl.powerarchiver.com/zte10016.exe- fixed bug with messsing up AC password from ZTE Configuration
- small fixes
I didn’t encounter the password issue with this latest release Ivan…many thanks.
http://dl.powerarchiver.com/zte10017.exe- updated ONLY installation so when updating to .18 (future next release) from .17, there will be no bug with removing all registry entries and reseting configuration (e.g. AC login information, FTP profiles, …).
Be aware this bug will be fixed when upgrading to any new version after installing this .17. After updating from .16 to .17 there still might be loose of configuration.
P.S. The bug was also in PowerArchiver installations…
I have exactly the same problem as KarbonKopy.
I haven’t either received any e-mail activation and I have also checked my junk folder.
Please validate me too.
I have exactly the same problem as KarbonKopy.
I haven’t either received any e-mail activation and I have also checked my junk folder.
Please validate me too.
done… thanks!
Thanks spwolf, now it works! :)
How are we doing with the next Build? 18? because i have had to uninstall the last one due to the same Error message when sending emails.
i did email drazen about other plugins i have on my outlook which are Xobni and Jeyo Agent.
Xobni, it by far the most important plugin to my outlook client and it wont be removed. However, it could be the problem becaues it does scan and index every email received and sent, so there could be a conflict.
I dont have it installed on my Outlook 2010 SP1 on windows 7 and PA email works.
However, we are comparing two different os systems and enviroments. My work system even though i have Full unrestricted admin rights still doesnt enable me to run windows updates.
I am confident that you guys are going to fix this thing. We are of course in alpha testing, bugs are going to be there.
And the plugin is great! i love the thing. and cant wait until we are in beta/RC.
How are we doing with the next Build? 18? because i have had to uninstall the last one due to the same Error message when sending emails.
i did email drazen about other plugins i have on my outlook which are Xobni and Jeyo Agent.
Xobni, it by far the most important plugin to my outlook client and it wont be removed. However, it could be the problem becaues it does scan and index every email received and sent, so there could be a conflict.
I dont have it installed on my Outlook 2010 SP1 on windows 7 and PA email works.
However, we are comparing two different os systems and enviroments. My work system even though i have Full unrestricted admin rights still doesnt enable me to run windows updates.
I am confident that you guys are going to fix this thing. We are of course in alpha testing, bugs are going to be there.
And the plugin is great! i love the thing. and cant wait until we are in beta/RC.
Mili will install Xobni and Jeyo Agent to see if it creates same issue on his Outlook XP.
It might be worth a clean format and install of MS XP Pro with SP3 only.
Then Office 2003 with SP3 again with no other updates available on Windows Update.
Install Xobni and Jeyo, then POAP, keep poap on and install ZTE 1st release, at this point it crashed.
I then had problems uninstalling if you rememeber.
And it was at this point i started experiencing error messages.
These are the exact steps i can think of. So i hope you find the bug.
tried all the plugins you listed, in the exact installation order as you listed, ran your reg settings so we have the exact same ZTE setup……no errors…I can send, reply and forward emails no problems. All plugins active and attachments properly compressed when supposed to, no errors.
tried all the plugins you listed, in the exact installation order as you listed, ran your reg settings so we have the exact same ZTE setup……no errors…I can send, reply and forward emails no problems. All plugins active and attachments properly compressed when supposed to, no errors.
rite, well then i have no clue as to what’s the problem.
The only thing i could try is remove everything and repair outlook or even uninstall office all togeather.
The hugh issue is its my work system and i have limited time in the day. Plus if things go wrong and i cant resolve it i then have to raise a call to the it suppor team and explain how this came about…
If it’s only me having the problem , and not one single other person so far experiening an issue then leave it with me.
has this project seen much development since our last conversation ?
Rich is already bored with PA 2012 :D
LOL, I use the app practically every day. So although im playing and testing it in real terms i do have other requirements…
ZTE is one of them :) and i was looking forward to finding this fix with Outlook 2003.
I use ZTE everyday working like a champ here :)