I’m trying to backup the complete contents of a directory using:
pacomp64 -parcz T:\BACKUP.PA C:\STUFF
The contents of subdirectories of C:\STUFF isn’t getting backed up!
The sub directories are just stored as empty directories!
How do I achieve this ; show me a command line example !
Hello @Mili,
thanks for your help in getting my PowerArchiver CommandLine license (Re: License Code Not Working / Missing) and sorry for my late reply. I do check my spam folder regularly and couldn’t find a mail from support. Also, there was no mail in my backups or any mention of it in my email logs.
I have a question regarding my licenses in the hope you are able to help me:
While my account lists “PowerArchiver Select - lifetime free upgrades and support for PowerArchiver Toolbox English - Count 2”, this does not apply for PACL, which was included with my purchase. My account shows only PowerArchiver Select - 12 months of upgrades and support for PowerArchiver Command Line - Single User License.
Since PACL was included with PowerArchiver Toolbox, shouldn’t PACL also come with a lifetime license for 2 PCs?
Thanks for your help in advance.
PACL 9.00 Beta 2
What’s New since version PACL 7:
Updated to PowerArchiver 2017 engine Fully unicode interface RAR v5 (v4) support PAE2 supportLatest format support and all the various engine updates done in PA 2017.
Full support for .PA format with many different options and switches.
Due to the support of new PA format and all the changes needed for that support, we decided to move up version number to PACL 9. This is purely cosmetical - companies who purchased PACL8, have PACL9 now added to their orders. Users who have free upgrades for PACL8, now have PACL9 added as free upgrade (Business users with active select (pro/tbx), all personal users (pro/tbx).
Since we are finalizing PA 2017, we can also now spend a lot more time on PACL9.
Please check your bugs, and check .PA support as well.
Thank you! @Alpha-Testers
PA Team
ConeXware, Inc.
My OS: Windows XP Home Edition, SP3
The version number and date of the program: PowerArchiver Command Line v9.00b [Feb 23 2019]
The program not extracts one self-extracting file.
How to reproduce the problem
Download the SFX file by link: install.exe
Copy the “install.exe” file into the same location as the program is located.
Go to the DOS prompt. Make your PACL location the default drive.
If it is on the E drive enter the command E: and press enter. Replace “E:” with the appropriate drive letter.
Enter command cd e:<path name> to go to the location where the program resides.
Enter command:
As a result, the “install” directory will not be created and no
files will be extracted.
The “install.exe” file may be damaged but if you use a program such as 7-Zip or PeaZip to extract the files, the extraction process is successful. I want the PACL to also unpack such a file.
This problem is very critical for me. I often come across this. I do not want to resort to using other compression program.
… Michael
there’s a problem with PAComp and file names with a leading ".\ ".
That’s nowadays a problem, since PowerShell auto complete will complete a file test.zip in the current directory to .\test.zip.
The first command reports “All OK”, but test.7z is not created.
The second command reports an error, but the error message isn’t helpful at all. VSS doesn’t help anything if a program fails to write to a file. It’s for reading locked files… And the problematic file isn’t mentioned at all. By the way, there’s a typo, it should be “open”, not “opet”.
Only the third command (without ".\ ") works as expected.
The problem exists in the x86 and x64 version, it doesn’t matter if the archive already exists (updating) or not (creating a new archive).
would be nice to have czip support
PACL 8.00 Beta 1
Whats New:
Updated to PowerArchiver 2016 engine Fully unicode interface RAR v5 (v4) support PAE2 support Latest format support such as improved ZIPX, ISO, etc, etc, etc.Download:
Please test it against your existing scripts and let us know. There will be some features added in future release as well as more testing.
This is first release, please test. Thank you!
I am Having Appcrash mid problem in my Pc.
I’ve made changes to fix some problems with PAConv.bat:
1. Replaced the “” by () in the first two lines, so that it’ll work with command line arguments in quotation marks
2. Replaced deltree with rmdir, since deltree is unknown at least in Windows XP and later
3. Also replaced the del command, which left an empty $PATEMP$ directory with rmdir
4. Changed $PATEMP$ to “%TEMP%$PATEMP$.%time::=%”, so that no write privileges are needed in the current directory as the users Temp directory is used and that more operations will work simultaneous, as long as they are not started at the very same time.
5. Changed %n to “%~n” to allow parameters with spaces and quotation marks
Automatic add date and time to Archivename
I read in this thread a question about how to add date and time to a new archives filename when using PACL.Well, PACL have support for this, with a little help of this script of course :)
Here’s the code for the script
'*********************************************************************** '* PACOMP_DT.vbs '* @author: Micke '* @hist 2010-04-05 CREATED:Script for adding Date and Time to Filename '* '* The script requires 4 parameters '* Usage: cscript PACOMP_DT.vbs <param1> <param2> <param3> <param4> '* '* param1: -d = Add current date to filename '* -t = Add current time to filename '* -dt = Add current date and time to filename '* '* param2: The commands PACOMP uses '* param3: Filename of the Archive with extension '* param4: Path to file(s) and/or directory '* '* Add date and time to Archivename MyArchive.zip '* Example: cscript PACOMP_DT.vbs -dt -a C:\Temp\MyArchive.zip D:\*.doc '* '*********************************************************************** Option Explicit 'Variables Dim FSO, WshShell, objRegEx, strDate, strDT_Parameter, strArchiveExtension Dim strTime, strArchiveNamePath, strPACOMP_Commands, strFileName Dim strOnlyArchiveName, strPath, strOnlyArchiveNameNoExtension Dim strCompressionString 'Constants Const PACOMP = "C:\Programs\PACL\PACOMP.exe" 'Check number of arguments If WScript.Arguments.Count <> 4 Then WScript.Echo "Usage: cscript PACOMP_DT.vbs <param1> <param2> <param3> <param4>" WScript.Echo "param1: -d = Add current date to filename" WScript.Echo "param1: -t = Add current time to filename" WScript.Echo "param1: -dt = Add current date and time to filename" WScript.Echo "param2: The commands PACOMP uses" WScript.Echo "param3: Filename of the Archive with extension" WScript.Echo "param4: Path to file(s) and/or directory" WScript.Echo "Example: cscript PACOMP_DT.vbs -dt -a C:\Temp\MyArchive.zip D:\*.doc" WScript.Echo "Will add date and time to Archivename MyArchive.zip" WScript.Quit End If 'Create the FileSystemObject Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'Create the ShellObject Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 'Get data from the Arguments strDT_Parameter = WScript.Arguments.Item(0) strPACOMP_Commands = WScript.Arguments.Item(1) strArchiveNamePath = WScript.Arguments.Item(2) strFileName = WScript.Arguments.Item(3) 'Check the parameter for Date and Time If strDT_Parameter = "-d" Or strDT_Parameter = "-t" Or strDT_Parameter = "-dt" Then WScript.Echo "ArchiveName before adding date and time: " & strArchiveNamePath UpdateArchiveName() WScript.Echo "ArchiveName after adding date and time: " & strArchiveNamePath RunPACOMP() Else WScript.Echo "Parameter 1 incorrect" WScript.Echo "Value set as: " & strDT_Parameter WScript.Echo "Expected value would be: -t or -d or -dt" WScript.Echo "Exit the script" WScript.Quit End If Sub UpdateArchiveName() GetFormattedDateTime() 'Get the ArchiveName from the path strOnlyArchiveName = Mid(strArchiveNamePath, InStrRev(strArchiveNamePath, "\")+1) 'Get the ArchiveName without extension strOnlyArchiveNameNoExtension = Left(strOnlyArchiveName, Len(strOnlyArchiveName)-4) 'Get the Path without the ArchiveName strPath = Left(strArchiveNamePath,Len(strArchiveNamePath)-Len(strOnlyArchiveName)) 'Get the ArchiveExtension strArchiveExtension = Mid(strArchiveNamePath, InStrRev(strArchiveNamePath, ".")+1) 'Insert Date and Time to the ArchiveName If strDT_Parameter = "-d" Then strOnlyArchiveName = strOnlyArchiveNameNoExtension & "_" & strDate & "." & strArchiveExtension ElseIf strDT_Parameter = "-t" Then strOnlyArchiveName = strOnlyArchiveNameNoExtension & "_" & strTime & "." & strArchiveExtension Else strOnlyArchiveName = strOnlyArchiveNameNoExtension & "_" & strDate & "_" & strTime & "." & strArchiveExtension End If strArchiveNamePath = strPath & strOnlyArchiveName End Sub Sub RunPACOMP() 'Create the string with parameters for PACOMP strCompressionString = PACOMP & " " & strPACOMP_Commands & " " & Chr(34) & strArchiveNamePath & Chr(34) & " " & Chr(34) & strFileName & Chr(34) WScript.Echo strCompressionString WshShell.Run strCompressionString, 0, True End Sub Sub GetFormattedDateTime() 'Clear unwanted characters from the date and time Set objRegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") objRegEx.Global = True objRegEx.Pattern = "[^0-9]" 'Find out current date and time strDate = FormatDateTime(Date(), vbGeneralDate) strTime = FormatDateTime(Time(), vbLongTime) 'Clear unwanted characters from the date and time strDate = objRegEx.Replace(strDate, "") strTime = objRegEx.Replace(strTime, "") End Sub</param4> </param3></param2></param1></param4></param3></param2></param1>
The script requires 4 parameters to work properly.
Parameter 1
Can be “-d”, “-t” or “-dt”
-d = Add current date to the ArchiveName
-t = Add current time to the ArchiveName
-dt = Add current date and time to the ArchiveNameParameter 2
The commands PACOMP uses. Note: The script doesn’t check if the commands are valid for PACOMP, it only check that this parameter exists. Also note: If you have more than one command in this parameter {-a -p}, you have to put quotes around these {“-a -p”}, otherwise you’ll get an error as the script will take each command for a separate parameter.Parameter 3
Filename of the Archive with extensionParameter 4
Files to add to the ArchiveExample
cscript PACOMP_DT.vbs -dt -a C:\Temp\MyArchive.zip D:\*.doc cscript PACOMP_DT.vbs -dt "-a -P" C:\Temp\MyArchiveTest.zip D:\Temp\*.*
I have tested this on Swedish WinXP Sp3 with PACL 6.01. Please let me know if you find bugs in the script. However, since the script is only used for automatic add date and/or time to the Archivename I haven’t put that many error control in the script.
Kind Regards
Micke -
I haven’t tested it personally but thanks ‘Micke’ for the great scripts.
Thanks Micke,
Seems to work fine.Is there a way to specify year/month/day for date instead of day/month/year ?
Thanks Micke,
Seems to work fine.Is there a way to specify year/month/day for date instead of day/month/year ?
I don’t know if that’s possible, but I’ll check that. I also found one annoying bug in the script, that I missed when I wrote it. I have assumed that the file extension always is 3 characters, but that won’t work when you are working with 7-zip (7z) and zipx archives since they don’t have a file extension of 3 characters. This resulted in a incorrect filename after adding date and time to it.
I need to do some more tests before I submit the updated script.
Kind Regards
Micke -
Yeah. I was just about to report that “test.tar.gz” doesn’t work.
I guess you know why :p -
I think it’s working correctly now. I have also update the date parameter. You can now select from different date format.Here’s the updated script
'*********************************************************************** '* PACOMP_DT.vbs '* @author: Micke '* @hist 2010-04-05 CREATED:Script for adding Date and Time to Filename '* @hist 2010-04-06 BUGFIX: Assumed the file extension always contains '* 3 character, resulting in incorrect '* Filename when using a file extension with '* other than 3 characters. '* @hist 2010-04-06 UPDATE: Added support for different dateformat '* '* The script requires 4 parameters '* Usage: cscript PACOMP_DT.vbs <param1> <param2> <param3> <param4> '* '* param1: -d1 = Add current date (YYYYMMDD) to filename '* -d2 = Add current date (DDMMYYYY) to filename '* -d3 = Add current date (MMDDYYYY) to filename '* -d = Works the same as -d1 '* -t = Add current time to filename '* -dt = Add current date and time to filename '* '* param2: The commands PACOMP uses '* param3: Filename of the Archive with extension '* param4: Path to file(s) and/or directory '* '* Add date and time to Archivename MyArchive.zip '* Example: cscript PACOMP_DT.vbs -dt -a C:\Temp\MyArchive.zip D:\*.doc '* '*********************************************************************** Option Explicit 'Variables Dim FSO, WshShell, objRegEx, strDate, strDT_Parameter, strArchiveExtension Dim strTime, strArchiveNamePath, strPACOMP_Commands, strFileName Dim strOnlyArchiveName, strPath, strOnlyArchiveNameNoExtension Dim strCompressionString, bCheck 'Constants Const PACOMP = "C:\Programs\PACL\PACOMP.exe" 'Check number of arguments If WScript.Arguments.Count <> 4 Then WScript.Echo "Usage: cscript PACOMP_DT.vbs <param1> <param2> <param3> <param4>" WScript.Echo "param1: -d1 = Add current date (YYYYMMDD) to filename" WScript.Echo "param1: -d2 = Add current date (DDMMYYYY) to filename" WScript.Echo "param1: -d3 = Add current date (MMDDYYYY) to filename" WScript.Echo "param1: -d = Works the same as -d1" WScript.Echo "param1: -t = Add current time to filename" WScript.Echo "param1: -dt = Add current date and time to filename" WScript.Echo "param2: The commands PACOMP uses" WScript.Echo "param3: Filename of the Archive with extension" WScript.Echo "param4: Path to file(s) and/or directory" WScript.Echo "Example: cscript PACOMP_DT.vbs -dt -a C:\Temp\MyArchive.zip D:\*.doc" WScript.Echo "Will add date and time to Archivename MyArchive.zip" WScript.Quit End If 'Create the FileSystemObject Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'Create the ShellObject Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 'Get data from the Arguments strDT_Parameter = WScript.Arguments.Item(0) strPACOMP_Commands = WScript.Arguments.Item(1) strArchiveNamePath = WScript.Arguments.Item(2) strFileName = WScript.Arguments.Item(3) 'Check the parameter for Date and Time If CheckDTParameter() = True Then UpdateArchiveName() RunPACOMP() Else WScript.Echo "Parameter 1 incorrect" WScript.Echo "Value set as: " & strDT_Parameter WScript.Echo "Expected value would be: -t, -d, -d1, -d2,-d3, -dt, -d1t, -d2t, -d3t" WScript.Echo "Exit the script" WScript.Quit End If Sub UpdateArchiveName() 'Get the ArchiveName from the path strOnlyArchiveName = Mid(strArchiveNamePath, InStrRev(strArchiveNamePath, "\")+1) 'Get the ArchiveExtension strArchiveExtension = Mid(strArchiveNamePath, InStrRev(strArchiveNamePath, ".")+1) 'Get the ArchiveName without extension strOnlyArchiveNameNoExtension = Left(strOnlyArchiveName, Len(strOnlyArchiveName)-Len(strArchiveExtension)-1) 'Get the Path without the ArchiveName strPath = Left(strArchiveNamePath,Len(strArchiveNamePath)-Len(strOnlyArchiveName)) 'Insert Date and Time to the ArchiveName If strDT_Parameter = "-d" Or strDT_Parameter = "-d1" Or strDT_Parameter = "-d2" Or strDT_Parameter = "-d3" Then strOnlyArchiveName = strOnlyArchiveNameNoExtension & "_" & strDate & "." & strArchiveExtension ElseIf strDT_Parameter = "-t" Then strOnlyArchiveName = strOnlyArchiveNameNoExtension & "_" & strTime & "." & strArchiveExtension Else strOnlyArchiveName = strOnlyArchiveNameNoExtension & "_" & strDate & "_" & strTime & "." & strArchiveExtension End If strArchiveNamePath = strPath & strOnlyArchiveName End Sub Sub RunPACOMP() 'Create the string with parameters for PACOMP strCompressionString = PACOMP & " " & strPACOMP_Commands & " " & Chr(34) & strArchiveNamePath & Chr(34) & " " & Chr(34) & strFileName & Chr(34) WScript.Echo strCompressionString WshShell.Run strCompressionString, 0, True End Sub Function FormatNumbers(n, totalDigits) If totalDigits > Len(n) Then FormatNumbers = String(totalDigits-Len(n),"0") & n Else FormatNumbers = n End If End Function Function CheckDTParameter() Select Case strDT_Parameter Case "-d" 'YYYYMMDD bCheck = True strDate = Year(Date()) & FormatNumbers(Month(Date()),2) & FormatNumbers(Day(Date()),2) Case "-d1" 'YYYYMMDD bCheck = True strDate = Year(Date()) & FormatNumbers(Month(Date()),2) & FormatNumbers(Day(Date()),2) Case "-d2" 'DDMMYYYY bCheck = True strDate = FormatNumbers(Day(Date()),2) & FormatNumbers(Month(Date()),2) & Year(Date()) Case "-d3" 'MMDDYYYY bCheck = True strDate = FormatNumbers(Month(Date()),2) & FormatNumbers(Day(Date()),2) & Year(Date()) Case "-t" 'HHMMSS bCheck = True GetFormattedTime() Case "-dt" 'YYYYMMDD HHMMSS bCheck = True strDate = Year(Date()) & FormatNumbers(Month(Date()),2) & FormatNumbers(Day(Date()),2) GetFormattedTime() Case "-d1t" 'YYYYMMDD HHMMSS bCheck = True strDate = Year(Date()) & FormatNumbers(Month(Date()),2) & FormatNumbers(Day(Date()),2) GetFormattedTime() Case "-d2t" 'DDMMYYYY HHMMSS bCheck = True strDate = FormatNumbers(Day(Date()),2) & FormatNumbers(Month(Date()),2) & Year(Date()) GetFormattedTime() Case "-d3t" 'MMDDYYYY HHMMSS bCheck = True strDate = FormatNumbers(Month(Date()),2) & FormatNumbers(Day(Date()),2) & Year(Date()) GetFormattedTime() Case Else bCheck = False End Select CheckDTParameter = bCheck End Function Sub GetFormattedTime() 'Clear unwanted characters from the date and time Set objRegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") objRegEx.Global = True objRegEx.Pattern = "[^0-9]" 'Find out current time strTime = FormatDateTime(Time(), vbLongTime) 'Clear unwanted characters from the date and time strTime = objRegEx.Replace(strTime, "") End Sub</param4> </param3></param2></param1></param4></param3></param2></param1>
The script requires 4 parameters to work properly.
Parameter 1
Can be “-d”, “-d1”, “-d2”, “-d3”, “-t”, “-dt”, “-d1t”, “-d2t”, “-d3t”
-d = Add current date (YYYYMMDD) to the ArchiveName
-d1 = Add current date (YYYYMMDD) to the ArchiveName
-d2 = Add current date (DDMMYYYY) to the ArchiveName
-d3 = Add current date (MMDDYYYY) to the ArchiveName
-t = Add current time to the ArchiveName
-dt = Add current date and time to the ArchiveNameParameter 2
The commands PACOMP uses. Note: The script doesn’t check if the commands are valid for PACOMP, it only check that this parameter exists. Also note: If you have more than one command in this parameter {-a -p}, you have to put quotes around these {“-a -p”}, otherwise you’ll get an error as the script will take each command for a separate parameter.Parameter 3
Filename of the Archive with extensionParameter 4
Files to add to the ArchiveExample
cscript PACOMP_DT.vbs -dt -a C:\Temp\MyArchive.zip D:\*.doc cscript PACOMP_DT.vbs -dt "-a -P" C:\Temp\MyArchiveTest.zip D:\Temp\*.* cscript PACOMP_DT.vbs -d2t -a C:\Temp\MyArchive.zip D:\*.doc
I hope everything is working correctly now.
Kind Regards
Micke -
Sorry, still fails with name2.tar.gz or name2.tar.bz2
Could it be the “doubled extension” (two dots) causing problems with
'Get the ArchiveExtension
strArchiveExtension = Mid(strArchiveNamePath, InStrRev(strArchiveNamePath, “.”)+1) -
Sorry, still fails with name2.tar.gz or name2.tar.bz2
Could it be the “doubled extension” (two dots) causing problems with
Well, it’s working as expected for me. name2.tar.gz will have the fileextension “gz” and the new filename will be name2.tar_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.gz
I assume you want the date and time appear before the first dot, which would be like name2_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.tar.gz
Is that correct?
Kind Regards
Micke -
Well, it’s working as expected for me. name2.tar.gz will have the fileextension “gz” and the new filename will be name2.tar_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.gz
Yes, but PACOMP cannot create the archive as it needs "tar.gz / tar.bz2 " to perform the compression :p
I assume you want the date and time appear before the first dot, which would be like name2_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.tar.gz
Is that correct?
Kind Regards
MickeYes - well at least before the archive type control extension (don’t know if there might be something like
“create.this.archive.for.me.tar.gz” which works in PACL!! )However, this is getting too complicated.
I would be happy just to PREFIX the archive name with time/date to give
which I guess is much simpler (and clarifies why I asked for YEAR/Month/Day format). -
Yes, but PACOMP cannot create the archive as it needs "tar.gz / tar.bz2 " to perform the compression :p
Ok, then the date and time must be placed before the first dot in the filename
However, this is getting too complicated. I would be happy just to PREFIX the archive name with time/date to give
which I guess is much simpler (and clarifies why I asked for YEAR/Month/Day format).It’s not that complicated, the problem here is to know all the rules for the fileextension used in PACL before writning the script. I was assuming that we would have filename.extension in all archives.
It’s much simpler to add the date and time in the beginning of the filename. The reason for adding it between the name and the extension is that it will be easier when you list the archives in explorer and they begin with their original filename and the date and time is inside it.
I’ll fix this by adding the date and time before the first dot in the filename instead of the last dot.
Kind Regards
Micke -
Yes, but PACOMP cannot create the archive as it needs "tar.gz / tar.bz2 " to perform the compression :p
I have tested this and both creation and extraction of archive work with filename like Test1.tar_20100407_213915.bz2 or Test2.tar_20100407_213915.gz
C:\Programs\PACL>pacomp -a Test1.tar_20100407_213915.bz2 *.txt Archive: C:\Programs\PACL\Test1.tar_20100407_213915.bz2 preparing to compress... adding: filelist.txt --> Done. [0%] adding: filelist2.txt --> Done. [0%] adding: LICENSE.TXT --> Done. [22%] adding: MANUAL.TXT --> Done. [59%] adding: ORDER.TXT --> Done. [62%] adding: README.TXT --> Done. [77%] adding: WHATSNEW.TXT --> Done. [100%] BZIPing... please wait... All OK C:\Programs\PACL>
C:\Programs\PACL>paext -e -pc:\Programs\Temp Test1.tar_20100407_213915.bz2 Archive --> C:\Programs\PACL\Test1.tar_20100407_213915.bz2 [BZIPed TAR] extracting: filelist.txt --> Done. [0%] extracting: filelist2.txt --> Done. [0%] extracting: LICENSE.TXT --> Done. [22%] extracting: MANUAL.TXT --> Done. [59%] extracting: ORDER.TXT --> Done. [62%] extracting: README.TXT --> Done. [77%] extracting: WHATSNEW.TXT --> Done. [100%] C:\Programs\PACL>
C:\Programs\PACL>pacomp -a Test2.tar_20100407_213915.gz *.txt Archive: C:\Programs\PACL\Test2.tar_20100407_213915.gz preparing to compress... adding: filelist.txt --> Done. [0%] adding: filelist2.txt --> Done. [0%] adding: LICENSE.TXT --> Done. [22%] adding: MANUAL.TXT --> Done. [59%] adding: ORDER.TXT --> Done. [62%] adding: README.TXT --> Done. [77%] adding: WHATSNEW.TXT --> Done. [100%] GZIPing... please wait... All OK C:\Programs\PACL>
C:\Programs\PACL>paext -e -pc:\Programs\Temp Test2.tar_20100407_213915.gz Archive --> C:\Programs\PACL\Test2.tar_20100407_213915.gz [GZIPed TAR] extracting: filelist.txt --> Done. [0%] extracting: filelist2.txt --> Done. [0%] extracting: LICENSE.TXT --> Done. [22%] extracting: MANUAL.TXT --> Done. [59%] extracting: ORDER.TXT --> Done. [62%] extracting: README.TXT --> Done. [77%] extracting: WHATSNEW.TXT --> Done. [100%] C:\Programs\PACL> ```Maybe I have missed something here :confused: but it seems to work properly for me. Kind Regards Micke
Hmm, perhaps I’m missing something then - I get this when running the script
Hmm, perhaps I’m missing something then - I get this when running the script
Hmm, I can see one thing that could get this error. In the script there’s one constant
Const PACOMP = "C:\Programs\PACL\PACOMP.exe"
You are in C:\PACL when you are running the script and the commandline starts with “C:\Programs\PACL\PACOMP.exe”, but are you sure you have PACL installed in that folder? I know I haven’t comment the script about that you have to change this line, because the constant is the same as I have used in previous scripts.
Kind Regards
Micke -
Here’s the updated script. Now the date and time always is placed before the first dot in the filename, like this.MyArchive_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.properties.txt.tar.bz2
I have also put a check if PACOMP.exe exists in the specified path of the constant. If not, a message will tell you about it and the script will exit.
'*********************************************************************** '* PACOMP_DT.vbs '* @author: Micke '* @hist 2010-04-05 CREATED:Script for adding Date and Time to Filename '* @hist 2010-04-06 BUGFIX: Assumed the file extension always contains '* 3 character, resulting in incorrect '* Filename when using a file extension with '* other than 3 characters. '* @hist 2010-04-06 UPDATE: Added support for different dateformat '* @hist 2010-04-08 UPDATE: Added check for existing PACOMP in the '* specified path '* @hist 2010-04-08 UPDATE: Moved date and time to be placed before '* the first dot in the filename '* '* The script requires 4 parameters '* Usage: cscript PACOMP_DT.vbs <param1> <param2> <param3> <param4> '* '* param1: -d1 = Add current date (YYYYMMDD) to filename '* -d2 = Add current date (DDMMYYYY) to filename '* -d3 = Add current date (MMDDYYYY) to filename '* -d = Works the same as -d1 '* -t = Add current time to filename '* -dt = Add current date and time to filename '* '* param2: The commands PACOMP uses '* param3: Filename of the Archive with extension '* param4: Path to file(s) and/or directory '* '* Add date and time to Archivename MyArchive.zip '* Example: cscript PACOMP_DT.vbs -dt -a C:\Temp\MyArchive.zip D:\*.doc '* '*********************************************************************** Option Explicit 'Variables Dim FSO, WshShell, objRegEx, strDate, strDT_Parameter, strArchiveExtension Dim strTime, strArchiveNamePath, strPACOMP_Commands, strFileName Dim strOnlyArchiveName, strPath, strOnlyArchiveNameNoExtension Dim strCompressionString, bCheck 'Constants Const PACOMP = "C:\Programs\PACL\PACOMP.exe" 'Check number of arguments If WScript.Arguments.Count <> 4 Then WScript.Echo "Usage: cscript PACOMP_DT.vbs <param1> <param2> <param3> <param4>" WScript.Echo "param1: -d1 = Add current date (YYYYMMDD) to filename" WScript.Echo "param1: -d2 = Add current date (DDMMYYYY) to filename" WScript.Echo "param1: -d3 = Add current date (MMDDYYYY) to filename" WScript.Echo "param1: -d = Works the same as -d1" WScript.Echo "param1: -t = Add current time to filename" WScript.Echo "param1: -dt = Add current date and time to filename" WScript.Echo "param2: The commands PACOMP uses" WScript.Echo "param3: Filename of the Archive with extension" WScript.Echo "param4: Path to file(s) and/or directory" WScript.Echo "Example: cscript PACOMP_DT.vbs -dt -a C:\Temp\MyArchive.zip D:\*.doc" WScript.Echo "Will add date and time to Archivename MyArchive.zip" WScript.Quit End If 'Create the FileSystemObject Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'Create the ShellObject Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 'Get data from the Arguments strDT_Parameter = WScript.Arguments.Item(0) strPACOMP_Commands = WScript.Arguments.Item(1) strArchiveNamePath = WScript.Arguments.Item(2) strFileName = WScript.Arguments.Item(3) 'Check that PACOMP exists in the specified path If FSO.FileExists(PACOMP) Then WScript.Echo "PACOMP.exe found, ok to continue the script" Else WScript.Echo "PACOMP.exe could not be found in the specified path" WScript.Echo "The path is set to: " & PACOMP WScript.Echo "Update the constant PACOMP to contain a valid path" WScript.Echo "Exit the script" WScript.Quit End If 'Check the parameter for Date and Time If CheckDTParameter() = True Then UpdateArchiveName() RunPACOMP() Else WScript.Echo "Parameter 1 incorrect" WScript.Echo "Value set as: " & strDT_Parameter WScript.Echo "Expected value would be: -t, -d, -d1, -d2,-d3, -dt, -d1t, -d2t, -d3t" WScript.Echo "Exit the script" WScript.Quit End If Sub UpdateArchiveName() 'Get the ArchiveName from the path strOnlyArchiveName = Mid(strArchiveNamePath, InStrRev(strArchiveNamePath, "\")+1) 'Get the ArchiveExtension strArchiveExtension = Mid(strArchiveNamePath, InStr(strArchiveNamePath, ".")+1) 'Get the ArchiveName without extension strOnlyArchiveNameNoExtension = Left(strOnlyArchiveName, Len(strOnlyArchiveName)-Len(strArchiveExtension)-1) 'Get the Path without the ArchiveName strPath = Left(strArchiveNamePath,Len(strArchiveNamePath)-Len(strOnlyArchiveName)) 'Insert Date and Time to the ArchiveName If strDT_Parameter = "-d" Or strDT_Parameter = "-d1" Or strDT_Parameter = "-d2" Or strDT_Parameter = "-d3" Then strOnlyArchiveName = strOnlyArchiveNameNoExtension & "_" & strDate & "." & strArchiveExtension ElseIf strDT_Parameter = "-t" Then strOnlyArchiveName = strOnlyArchiveNameNoExtension & "_" & strTime & "." & strArchiveExtension Else strOnlyArchiveName = strOnlyArchiveNameNoExtension & "_" & strDate & "_" & strTime & "." & strArchiveExtension End If strArchiveNamePath = strPath & strOnlyArchiveName End Sub Sub RunPACOMP() 'Create the string with parameters for PACOMP strCompressionString = PACOMP & " " & strPACOMP_Commands & " " & Chr(34) & strArchiveNamePath & Chr(34) & " " & Chr(34) & strFileName & Chr(34) WScript.Echo strCompressionString WshShell.Run strCompressionString, 0, True End Sub Function FormatNumbers(n, totalDigits) If totalDigits > Len(n) Then FormatNumbers = String(totalDigits-Len(n),"0") & n Else FormatNumbers = n End If End Function Function CheckDTParameter() Select Case strDT_Parameter Case "-d" 'YYYYMMDD bCheck = True strDate = Year(Date()) & FormatNumbers(Month(Date()),2) & FormatNumbers(Day(Date()),2) Case "-d1" 'YYYYMMDD bCheck = True strDate = Year(Date()) & FormatNumbers(Month(Date()),2) & FormatNumbers(Day(Date()),2) Case "-d2" 'DDMMYYYY bCheck = True strDate = FormatNumbers(Day(Date()),2) & FormatNumbers(Month(Date()),2) & Year(Date()) Case "-d3" 'MMDDYYYY bCheck = True strDate = FormatNumbers(Month(Date()),2) & FormatNumbers(Day(Date()),2) & Year(Date()) Case "-t" 'HHMMSS bCheck = True GetFormattedTime() Case "-dt" 'YYYYMMDD HHMMSS bCheck = True strDate = Year(Date()) & FormatNumbers(Month(Date()),2) & FormatNumbers(Day(Date()),2) GetFormattedTime() Case "-d1t" 'YYYYMMDD HHMMSS bCheck = True strDate = Year(Date()) & FormatNumbers(Month(Date()),2) & FormatNumbers(Day(Date()),2) GetFormattedTime() Case "-d2t" 'DDMMYYYY HHMMSS bCheck = True strDate = FormatNumbers(Day(Date()),2) & FormatNumbers(Month(Date()),2) & Year(Date()) GetFormattedTime() Case "-d3t" 'MMDDYYYY HHMMSS bCheck = True strDate = FormatNumbers(Month(Date()),2) & FormatNumbers(Day(Date()),2) & Year(Date()) GetFormattedTime() Case Else bCheck = False End Select CheckDTParameter = bCheck End Function Sub GetFormattedTime() 'Clear unwanted characters from the date and time Set objRegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") objRegEx.Global = True objRegEx.Pattern = "[^0-9]" 'Find out current time strTime = FormatDateTime(Time(), vbLongTime) 'Clear unwanted characters from the date and time strTime = objRegEx.Replace(strTime, "") End Sub</param4> </param3></param2></param1></param4></param3></param2></param1>
Kind Regards
Micke -
Hmm, I can see one thing that could get this error. In the script there’s one constant
Const PACOMP = "C:\Programs\PACL\PACOMP.exe"
You are in C:\PACL when you are running the script
Blush :o
However, when I remembered to change it, I still have a problem opening the archive using PowerArchiver (not PACL) as it doesn’t handle the tar file because of the date text.
Here’s the updated script.
OK this works well for me now - thanks a lot. :D
OK this works well for me now - thanks a lot. :D
No problem, however it was a little more job to get it running the way I wanted than I expected in the beginning.
I suspect the next script will be much more complicated than this one. I haven’t sorted out yet how to solve all the problems in it, but it will be a different way of using PACL to create archives.
Kind Regards
Micke -
see http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/index.shtml for a simple GUI builder. it’s perfect for a wrapper around a command line tool
I have no plans for a GUI, as PA already has a very good and powerful GUI. I also want to thank TBGBe for taking time to test the script. Without your help I wouldn’t find the problem with extensions like tar.gz and tar.bz2.
I haven’t written the next upcoming script yet, but I have some ideas of what it should be able to do. You will see it when it’s ready for test.
Kind Regards
Micke -
I have no plans for a GUI …
That was meant to be a joke - not sure if Guido knew it.
P.S. Welcome back Guido :cool:
I was never gone. I was always watching you guys big brother style. I just had nothing interesting to report. :-)