I’m trying to backup the complete contents of a directory using:
pacomp64 -parcz T:\BACKUP.PA C:\STUFF
The contents of subdirectories of C:\STUFF isn’t getting backed up!
The sub directories are just stored as empty directories!
How do I achieve this ; show me a command line example !
Hello @Mili,
thanks for your help in getting my PowerArchiver CommandLine license (Re: License Code Not Working / Missing) and sorry for my late reply. I do check my spam folder regularly and couldn’t find a mail from support. Also, there was no mail in my backups or any mention of it in my email logs.
I have a question regarding my licenses in the hope you are able to help me:
While my account lists “PowerArchiver Select - lifetime free upgrades and support for PowerArchiver Toolbox English - Count 2”, this does not apply for PACL, which was included with my purchase. My account shows only PowerArchiver Select - 12 months of upgrades and support for PowerArchiver Command Line - Single User License.
Since PACL was included with PowerArchiver Toolbox, shouldn’t PACL also come with a lifetime license for 2 PCs?
Thanks for your help in advance.
PACL 9.00 Beta 2
What’s New since version PACL 7:
Updated to PowerArchiver 2017 engine Fully unicode interface RAR v5 (v4) support PAE2 supportLatest format support and all the various engine updates done in PA 2017.
Full support for .PA format with many different options and switches.
Due to the support of new PA format and all the changes needed for that support, we decided to move up version number to PACL 9. This is purely cosmetical - companies who purchased PACL8, have PACL9 now added to their orders. Users who have free upgrades for PACL8, now have PACL9 added as free upgrade (Business users with active select (pro/tbx), all personal users (pro/tbx).
Since we are finalizing PA 2017, we can also now spend a lot more time on PACL9.
Please check your bugs, and check .PA support as well.
Thank you! @Alpha-Testers
PA Team
ConeXware, Inc.
My OS: Windows XP Home Edition, SP3
The version number and date of the program: PowerArchiver Command Line v9.00b [Feb 23 2019]
The program not extracts one self-extracting file.
How to reproduce the problem
Download the SFX file by link: install.exe
Copy the “install.exe” file into the same location as the program is located.
Go to the DOS prompt. Make your PACL location the default drive.
If it is on the E drive enter the command E: and press enter. Replace “E:” with the appropriate drive letter.
Enter command cd e:<path name> to go to the location where the program resides.
Enter command:
As a result, the “install” directory will not be created and no
files will be extracted.
The “install.exe” file may be damaged but if you use a program such as 7-Zip or PeaZip to extract the files, the extraction process is successful. I want the PACL to also unpack such a file.
This problem is very critical for me. I often come across this. I do not want to resort to using other compression program.
… Michael
there’s a problem with PAComp and file names with a leading ".\ ".
That’s nowadays a problem, since PowerShell auto complete will complete a file test.zip in the current directory to .\test.zip.
The first command reports “All OK”, but test.7z is not created.
The second command reports an error, but the error message isn’t helpful at all. VSS doesn’t help anything if a program fails to write to a file. It’s for reading locked files… And the problematic file isn’t mentioned at all. By the way, there’s a typo, it should be “open”, not “opet”.
Only the third command (without ".\ ") works as expected.
The problem exists in the x86 and x64 version, it doesn’t matter if the archive already exists (updating) or not (creating a new archive).
would be nice to have czip support
PACL 8.00 Beta 1
Whats New:
Updated to PowerArchiver 2016 engine Fully unicode interface RAR v5 (v4) support PAE2 support Latest format support such as improved ZIPX, ISO, etc, etc, etc.Download:
Please test it against your existing scripts and let us know. There will be some features added in future release as well as more testing.
This is first release, please test. Thank you!
I am Having Appcrash mid problem in my Pc.
I’ve made changes to fix some problems with PAConv.bat:
1. Replaced the “” by () in the first two lines, so that it’ll work with command line arguments in quotation marks
2. Replaced deltree with rmdir, since deltree is unknown at least in Windows XP and later
3. Also replaced the del command, which left an empty $PATEMP$ directory with rmdir
4. Changed $PATEMP$ to “%TEMP%$PATEMP$.%time::=%”, so that no write privileges are needed in the current directory as the users Temp directory is used and that more operations will work simultaneous, as long as they are not started at the very same time.
5. Changed %n to “%~n” to allow parameters with spaces and quotation marks
Batch File to compress multiple file types
I had an old batch file that used winzip that I am trying to convert over to use PACL.
What it should do**: Pulls all of the listed types of media files from a CD, including all subdirectories and preserving pathnames. Creates a .zip archive of all of them and outputs a log file.
The batch file takes 2 arguments: the name of the archive to create and the letter of the CD-Drive that has the CD in it.When I run the Batch file as “makepzip ta0000 e” this is the output from the log:
Archive: d:\ta0000.zip
preparing to compress…
*** WARNING: Nothing to add or update…All OK
So, it looks like either it is not going into all the subdirectories on the CD, or it is only checking the first filetype (jpg), because I know that there are .gif files in some of the directories.
Here are the commands in my Batch file:
ECHO ** This batch file will find all Media Files on %2 and create a zip **
ECHO ** file called d:%1.zip and d:%1.log **
“c:\apps\PACOMP” -a -r -P d:%1.zip %2:*.jpg %2:*.bmp %2:*.gif %2:*.jpeg %2:*.tif
%2:*.tiff %2:*.mpg %2:*.mpeg %2:*.mov %2:*.rm %2:*.ram %2:*.asf %2:*.wmv %2:*.mpe
%2:*.avi %2:*.jfif %2:*.jif %2:*.art %2:*.jpe %2:*.png %2:*.vob %2:*.3gp %2:*.mpa
%2:*.tmp %2:*.3g2 %2:*.asx %2:*.flv %2:*.shs %2:*.m2v %2:*.mod %2:*.cjp %2:*.divx
%2:*.wm %2:*.dv %2:*.mp4 > d:%1.logAny help you can give me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Two thoughts - but not much help, I’m afraid.
a) I believe there is a 255 char limit on the command
b) It appears that the -r command does not work when a filetype is specified (i.e. works only with .)Will have to wait for Spwolf or Milli to confirm / deny.
P.S. I did a quick test with PACL 6.01 on XP SP3
Hmm, didn’t think about the character limit, although it does get all the way through the command and create the log file. I am using 6.01 with WinXP SP3 as well.
I guess I could execute a separate command to add each file type to the archive, but I was hoping there was a more efficient way of doing it.
I did some more testing, using multiple instances of the command, can definitely say that it is not recursing the subdirectories. Anyone see a syntax error in the command I’m using?
“c:\apps\PACOMP” -a -r -P d:%1.zip %2:*.inf >> d:%1.log
Guess I should add that passing in the arguments and using them in the commands is working fine. There was a .inf file in the root, and it successfully added it to the archive and sent the log to the file.
didnt have time yet to look, will do a bit later on, thanks for the patience!
Hi spwolf, have you had a chance to look at this issue yet?
i have an feeling recurse subfolder option does not work unless it gets ., which is where the problem would be then… i have sent it to dev team to investigate.
Hmm, ok, thanks!
Hi Dustin!
Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
You can get the function you are looking for by using a small vbscript that will loop through the folders looking for the specified fileextensions. This is a workaround for the problem that filename like *.jpg won’t work when using the recursive parameter.
The script is this:
'*********************************************************** '* PACOMP.vbs '* @author: Micke '* '* Script for compress multiple file types '* '* Usage: cscript PACOMP.vbs ArhiveName.extension DrivePath '* Example1: cscript PACOMP.vbs MyArchive.zip D: '* Example2: cscript PACOMP.vbs MyArchive.zip D:\Temp '* '*********************************************************** Option Explicit 'Variables Dim FSO, objDir, aList, FileExtension, ArchiveName, DrivePath Dim aFile, aItem, strCompressionString, WshShell 'Constants (Change path to your own enviroment) Const PACOMP = "C:\Programs\PACL\PACOMP.exe" 'Check number of arguments If WScript.Arguments.Count <> 2 Then WScript.Echo "Usage: cscript PACOMP.vbs ArchiveName.extension DrivePath" WScript.Echo "Example 1: cscript PACOMP.vbs MyArchive.zip D:" WScript.Echo "Example 2: cscript PACOMP.vbs MyArchive.zip D:\Temp" WScript.Quit End If 'Create the FileSystemObject Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'Create the ShellObject Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 'Get data from the Arguments ArchiveName = WScript.Arguments.Item(0) DrivePath = WScript.Arguments.Item(1) 'Get the Folders for the DrivePath Set objDir = FSO.GetFolder(DrivePath) 'Create a Array with Fileextensions for the archive, change to your enviroment aList = Array("png", "jpg", "avi") 'Search through the folders SearchFolders(objDir) 'Sub for Searching recursive in Folders Sub SearchFolders(pstrCurrentPath) For Each aFile In pstrCurrentPath.Files For Each FileExtension In aList If FileExtension = LCase(Right(CStr(aFile.Name), 3)) Then AddFileToArchive aFile.Path End If Next Next For Each aItem In pstrCurrentPath.SubFolders SearchFolders(aItem) Next End Sub Sub AddFileToArchive(pstrFileName) 'Create the string with parameters for PACOMP strCompressionString = PACOMP & " -a -P " & ArchiveName & " " & pstrFileName WScript.Echo strCompressionString WshShell.Run strCompressionString, 0, True End Sub
You can also downloading the script here:
There are two lines in the script you have to modify for your own enviroment.
Change this to your path for PACOMP
Const PACOMP = "C:\Programs\PACL\PACOMP.exe"
Add more FileExtension for your Archive. I have tested it with these 3 and it works as expected.
aList = Array("png", "jpg", "avi")
The script is only tested on Windows XP with SP3. Hope that it will work for you.
Kind Regards
attachment_p_21800_0_pacomp_script.zip -
When I tried it -I changed the path to PACOMP and the extension array to (jpg, png, txt).
Each “expected” command line was echoed, but no archive file was created :confused:
Then I tried full path ( c:\multypes.zip ) for “my archive” but other than that my script understanding is very limited.
What did I miss?
When I tried it -I changed the path to PACOMP and the extension array to (jpg, png, txt).
Did you put a " around each fileextension in the Array? Like (“jpg”, “png”, “txt”)
Each “expected” command line was echoed, but no archive file was created :confused:
Then I tried full path ( c:\multypes.zip ) for “my archive” but other than that my script understanding is very limited.
What did I miss?
How is your command written in the CMD Window when you are running the script? If I can see your command I can then see if something is missing.
Kind Regards
Micke -
Then I tried full path ( c:\multypes.zip ) for “my archive” but other than that my script understanding is very limited.
What did I miss?
There could be a privilege problem. If you are logged on as a non administrator user in Windows XP, you don’t have write access to the root of c:\
Try to change the archive name from c:\multypes.zip to c:\temp\multypes.zip
Kind Regards
Micke -
Did you put a " around each fileextension in the Array? Like (“jpg”, “png”, “txt”)
'Create a Array with Fileextensions for the archive, change to your enviroment
aList = Array(“png”, “jpg”, “txt”)How is your command written in the CMD Window when you are running the script? If I can see your command I can then see if something is missing.
Try to change the archive name from c:\multypes.zip to c:\temp\multypes.zipSee attached screenshot
The c:\temp folder is empty.
Thanks for getting back so quick.P.S. I am admin on WinXP SP3
P.P.S. Just thought - should the output path/filename to add be in quotes ??
P.P.S. Just thought - should the output path/filename to add be in quotes ??
That’s correct. I have made some more tests and the problem appears when you have spaces in the path and/or in the filename. That’s my mistake :o, because when I tested the script I didn’t have any spaces in the path or in the filename resulting in that everything looked ok.
Here’s the updated script with support for spaces in path or filename.
'******************************************************************* '* PACOMP.vbs '* @author: Micke '* @hist 2010-02-26 CREATED:Script for compress multiple file types '* @hist 2010-03-01 BUGFIX: Space in path or filename resulted in '* no archive was created. '* '* Script for compress multiple file types '* '* Usage: cscript PACOMP.vbs ArchiveName.extension DrivePath '* Example1: cscript PACOMP.vbs C:\Temp\MyArchive.zip D: '* Example2: cscript PACOMP.vbs C:\Temp\MyArchive.zip D:\Temp '* '******************************************************************* Option Explicit 'Variables Dim FSO, objDir, aList, FileExtension, ArchiveName, DrivePath Dim aFile, aItem, strCompressionString, WshShell 'Constants (Change path to your own enviroment) Const PACOMP = "C:\Programs\PACL\PACOMP.exe" 'Check number of arguments If WScript.Arguments.Count <> 2 Then WScript.Echo "Usage: cscript PACOMP.vbs ArchiveName.extension DrivePath" WScript.Echo "Example 1: cscript PACOMP.vbs C:\Temp\MyArchive.zip D:" WScript.Echo "Example 2: cscript PACOMP.vbs C:\Temp\MyArchive.zip D:\Temp" WScript.Quit End If 'Create the FileSystemObject Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'Create the ShellObject Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 'Get data from the Arguments ArchiveName = WScript.Arguments.Item(0) DrivePath = WScript.Arguments.Item(1) 'Get the Folders for the DrivePath Set objDir = FSO.GetFolder(DrivePath) 'Create a Array with Fileextensions for the archive, change to your enviroment aList = Array("png", "jpg", "avi") 'Search through the folders SearchFolders(objDir) 'Sub for Searching recursive in Folders Sub SearchFolders(pstrCurrentPath) For Each aFile In pstrCurrentPath.Files For Each FileExtension In aList If FileExtension = LCase(Right(CStr(aFile.Name), 3)) Then AddFileToArchive aFile.Path End If Next Next For Each aItem In pstrCurrentPath.SubFolders SearchFolders(aItem) Next End Sub Sub AddFileToArchive(pstrFileName) 'Create the string with parameters for PACOMP strCompressionString = PACOMP & " -a -P " & Chr(34) & ArchiveName & Chr(34) & " " & Chr(34) & pstrFileName & Chr(34) WScript.Echo strCompressionString WshShell.Run strCompressionString, 0, True End Sub
The updated script can be downloaded here:
Please let me know the result after you have tested the updated script.
Kind Regards
attachment_p_21823_0_pacomp_script_updated.zip -
That’s got it.
Well done :cool:
Thanks, nice to hear that it’s working for you now.
Kind Regards
Micke -
Wow, thanks for helping out with that script Micke! I’ll give it a try.
Dustin -
Hi Dustin!
Have you tested the script and if so, is it working correctly for you?Kind Regards
Micke -
Yes, your script works. Thanks for all the help!