I’ve just created SFX-Archives both from ZIP and 7z-Archives and none has an Icon as it seems.
I use the new version 22.00.11.
Basically I used powerarchiver context menus to zip up a folder then i used windows 11 own built in zip extractor via the context menu to extract all and this is where it throw up a fault. , I’m using windows 11 .
The file that was a problem in the zip that windows 11 could not extract was iva “babe” cotton.jpg
I know it has non standard quotes in it.
However I had winrar on the computer and tried the exact same method with their context menu compress to zip and then I extracted the file with windows own extract all context menu and it had no problems. This indicates that powerarchiver is doing something different with iva “babe” cotton.jpg compressing to zip.
Then I changed iva “babe” cotton.jpg to iva babe cotton.jpg and compressed it with powerarchiver and then tried it with windows 11 extract all and had no problems. It looks like powerarchiver is doing something to that one file that has quotes in it.
Please note that powerarchiver extracted both zip files with no problems, only windows built in zip extraction had the fault. Reason I’m letting people know in case they send zip files with special characters in files names to people who do not have powerarchiver.
When will a fix be implemented?
On installing the program I am getting the error message:
"Unable to execute file c:\Program Files\PowerArchiver\pashutil.exe
CreateProcess failed: code 2
The system cannot find the file specified"
This can’t be right!
I am using the latest official build of Windows 11
Buttons are not properly aligned on About screen.
about window.png
Buttons not aligned on configuration window.
New version:
PowerArchiver 2023 - 22.00.10:
New build for some bug fixes and issues - full list to come with new update. Please test and see if you have any issues.
Thanks everyone for your assistance!
New version:
PowerArchiver 2023 - 22.00.11:
New build for some bug fixes and issues - full list to come with new update. Please test and see if you have any issues.
Thanks everyone for your assistance!
Just tried using the Modern (Windows 10) Icon set and seeing a few missing icons in both PowerArchiver Burner and PowerArchiver Encryption screens . They are all there in the Minimalistik icon set and the only difference I can see is the former is blue and the latter grey. In version 22.00.9
Hi everyone, some good news about PowerArchiver… I’ve managed to get in touch with the original developer of PowerArchiver, Ivan Petrovic, and he has confirmed that the product is not dead or abandoned, in fact it is still very much alive! There has been a hiatus over the past months for various reasons, but that we should expect to see stuff coming through in the coming months (hopefully the next 2 months).
I had a large .tar file (a backed up WSL) and I want to delete a few directories and their contents from it using PA2023.
PA just destroys the whole archive as soon as I try to delete a directory, leaving it in a state where PA2023 won’t even open it any more.
I tried several times and also tried compressing it to .tar.xz instead - same result.
This should either actually work, or it should say operation not supported and do nothing.
The regular version of PA 2023 is out for over 6 months now, but there is still no sign of the portable release.
(When) will there be one?
Is there currently no portable version of PA2023 available?
(When) do you plan to release one?
Win 11 64 bit
I have some archives which have been encrypted, using the encrypt option either in pbs or when interactively creating a zip. When I open these, and look at files, I am asked for passwords, which I know, and then can view items or decrypt the files in the archive (tools>decrypt files).
However, when I use the Actions>Remove Archive Encryption (whether using the same zip or asking to write another), the routine shows progress bar to the end, but then just hangs i.e. “OK” never activates. All process information shows this stalled/hanging.
What can I do to sort this out?
For example:
Download this ZIP file: http://dslstats.me.uk/files/dslstats32W-6.5.zip
Everything in the ZIP file is in a directory “dslstats32W-6.5”.
However when I extract using right click “Extract Here” the name of the directory created is “2W-6.5” !
I am running PA 22.00.09 on Windows 11. I have seen the same happen with some other kinds of archive too.
If I compress a folder to a .pa using right click, Compress to folder.pa and use the new Windows 11 menu then the Options, Configuration, Miscellaneous, Use normal relative path setting is always enabled.
But I like this option disabled so I have to use the old style menu in order to get PA to compress a folder in the way I wish.
PA 22.00.09
PA2009 Pro 11.00.65 RC1/Win XP Sp3 - Program crashes
All versions of PA have been stable on this platform until this release and version.
I find that often on exiting PA it gives me a Windows Application Error message and logs to the Dr Watson logger.Product: Windows Operating System
ID: 1000
Source: Application Error
Version: 5.2
Message: Faulting application %1, version %2, faulting module %3, version %4, fault address 0x%5.
The faulting Windows module is Kernel32.dll, at different addresses, but often 0x00480475.The error seems to come in pairs i.e. I start PA, error out, restart it, do some more work and then error again. Then it’s OK for a while.
The machine has maximum useable RAM installed.There seems to be no common factor in PA - for example archive size.
I have reset the Dr Watson log so that it contains only this event and can supply a copy except it’s 210K in size.
Try with pre-release:
http://www.powerarchiver.com/test/release10/powarc1100rc5.exeIt has to be some reason it is crashing. What are you doing with it?
This seems to happen mostly after I have been changing an archive by deleting things from it. Most are zips, and the application error comes when I exit from PA.
I’ll try the release you suggest and report back.
I have updated to the latest release 11.00.76 Pro, but I’m still getting frequent application errors. These almost always happen when I exit from PA (using any one of the 3 exit methods) and the problem is reported as occurring in either the PA .exe or kernel32.dll - it’s about 50/50.
No other app on this machine is doing this, so I don’t think it’s a generic problem that’s suddenly started happening.
I have updated to the latest release 11.00.76 Pro, but I’m still getting frequent application errors. These almost always happen when I exit from PA (using any one of the 3 exit methods) and the problem is reported as occurring in either the PA .exe or kernel32.dll - it’s about 50/50.
No other app on this machine is doing this, so I don’t think it’s a generic problem that’s suddenly started happening.
you have to explain what exactly you do in PA.
I tried deleting files inside zip and everything worked just fine. It has to be more than that.
- open an archive
- add files to it (new or updates)
or - delete files from it
(archives are all zips)
My display refreshes, and I see either a new file(s) added/updated or the one(s) I selected for deletion no longer listed.
All looks hunkydory, so I press the exit button (usually the toolbar icon, but I’ve tried from File/Exit and Close button). PA exits the screen, then I get the error message followed by the Win log creation message.
I don’t seem to get this error when I’m in the midst of working, but when I exit the program in anorderly manner.
There is no discernible pattern at the moment, but I’ll keep looking.
are you opening/editing files inside archive?
try not using skings, does that help?
I’m not doing anything with the file contents in the archive - just adding/updating files or deleting them.
I’ll have a go without the skins i.e. I’ll set up PA for the new look, and see if that makes any difference.
I’ve tried PA with Classic default skins plus all the new ones (Blue, silver etc.). I’ve also tried turning “reuse windows” on and off.
Unfortunately, none of this makes any difference.
To recap:-
- I can open one archive after another (all zips, different sizes, different directories) - but I don’t do anything to the contents - just open the zips.
- I then exit PA thru’ one of the 3 methods (toolbar icon, etc.).
- PA closes and quits the screen, and then the Windows app error messages are returned. This happens about 90% of the time.
There don’t seem to be problems when in PA, although opening archives in rapid succession seems to cause odd behaviours SOMETIMES.
I should also say that I have PAstarter running, so perhaps I should try without it.
why dont you send us your registry key, zipped, to support at conexware.com and refference that. That might help us.
Does this happen only with zip files? Not with 7zip for instance?
Registry key emailed separately to Support.
I haven’t got any 7zips, but I’ll make and test some to see if it happens with them.
still cant reproduce, does anyone else have similar issue?
Could another program be interacting with pa. is any other program / process working at the same time. can you list ll open processes and files open at the time you use pa?
can you also uninstall and delete all powerarchiver references in the registry and then reinstall powerarchiver after a reboot and then tel us whether it has worked.
There are plenty of processes running at the same time. However, none of these are new i.e. they were running alongside previous PA versions without this error (which is a new event to me in any PA version anyway) occurring.
I was digging around and I noticed that one utility showed PA 2007 and 2009 in the add/remove progs list. I removed(uninstalled) 2007, which had the effect of removing all PA including 2009.
I then reinstalled it and re-entered my reg. codes, set it up with classic skin, and disabled re-use PA windows.
So far, I can fiddle about with zips as much as I like, and it seems OK. Then when I exit the program, screen clears and bingo-App Error message appears.
I have also checked all dumps, logs, hardware etc. and nothing out of the ordinary bar these crashes.
7zip (non solid) please?
sorry, bit thick today. do you want me to try 7zips (nonsolid) or what? please advise.
yes, try using 7zips (non) solid, in the same way…
can you try and use revo uninstall to completely uninstall powerarchiver you can download it from the internet it might be a left over registry entry causing the fault.
then again can you disable all but essential processes/ programs open and then run powerarchiver. it might be a specific program that is cconflicting with powerarchiver. you sure you have the latest release?
Can you make sure it is a clean install of the registry (all powerarchiver entries not in there). What programs do you have installed on your pc?
what antivirus/spyware/ firewall do you use that could cause conflict.
it could also be that the file is having problems exiting as it is being used by windows for some reason. can you let us know where your temp file is situated the folder where your powerarchiver uses as temp folder for opening files is. this could be part of the reason as well. Have you checked for registry errors to see if you have problems there?
hope it gets resolved for you soon.
It could also indicate faulty memory/ or hardware in a computer. As it is just you reporting this and noone else. I have seen this fault with only one other product ultimatezip. I have fully tested this program in xp and can not replicate your fault. Can you please list memory and hardware and what is open when the crash happens and any message about the crash so we can diagnose this fault/crash better.
In answer but not necessarily in order.
- release is 11.00.76 Pro
- AV etc is the same as I have been using with earlier versions of PA without problem. They are Avast (AV), Comodo Firewall, Windows Defender. There are other things but they are non-resident.
- There are no hardware errors on this Dell 9100 with 3gb running XP Pro SP3.
- I have run a couple of registry checks and there are no errors specific to PA.
- Temp file is the usual default but I’ll put it somewhere on its own just in case.
- Nothing is running on here that hasn’t run with PA in earlier editions.
I can send a copy of the error log to you if you would like it.
As far as full uninstall goes, I will download the REVO utility and follow your suggestions. As I mentioned earlier, a “phantom” PA 2007 was reported in Add/Rem. Progs, but this has now disappeared.
Incidentally, using non-solid 7-zips make no difference.
so same thing happens if you update non solid 7zip? You get crash on exit?
I dumped a couple of zip contents (quite big zips) and reloaded them into nonsolid 7zip tests. Then I deleted files etc. and exited. It doesn’t post-exit crash as often the same way as zips seem to. What does happen is this:-
- Open 7zs one after the other, delete some files etc.
- Try to open another one, and PA screen remains blank, message “No files or folders selected” at bottom. Also action toolbar buttons greyed out.
- Try another arc (zip or 7z) and same happens.
- Exit, PA closes (i.e. desktop only visible) then I get the App error message.
I have also followed previous advice; namely, I have revo uninstalled PA, checked registry etc. and then reinstalled it. This doesn’t seem to affect. I have also run all possible hardware checks and no errors reported.
I’ve also tried with and without reuse PA windows, and with PAstarter on and off - no discernible difference.
how are you opening those 7z one after another, via Open button?
Does the error at exit happen when you use 7zips only?
I’ve opened them from both Open button and recent files list.
Post exit crash happens with zips and 7zs. I don’t have any other archive types but I guess I could create a few test ones.
If I open zips quickly one after the other, I sometimes get a freeze-up. When this happens, PA is unresponsive and has to be killed, and other times it is possible to exit, and then the crash happens.
There is 3gb RAM on this machine, and pagefiles spread over 2 drives are enormous - so I can’t see it being a resource-caused problem.
but it happens when you are handling ONLY 7zips.
I am making sure you are not also opening zips at the same time.
I want to know if problem is specific to zip engine, or maybe to some GUI issue.
Just done some more testing.
- 3 x 7z archives. Start PA, open each in turn (no actions). reiterate several times, exit - no error.
- Same thing but with zips (some containing same files as 7zip) - open in turn, again and again, then exit. Post exit - error occurs.
There doesn’t seem to be a problem with zips if I open one, work on it and then exit PA. Things start going wrong when zips are opened consecutively (not necessarily worked on, just opened).
The Dr Watson log gives the error as a c0000005 (access violation) error.
In the process listing, 2 PIDs are shown as Error 0xD0000022. Both of these are Comodo firewall - one the service and the other the programme.
I will try running without these to see if this does any good.
I have tried running without Comodo services and app, plus some other things that could cause problems, but it makes no difference i.e. still on exit crashes.
Using the modern skin, if I open a first zip I get a normal screen. If I then open a 2nd zip, the second display is corrupt, with two occurrences of the “Standard” box in the toolbar. It is then possible to sometimes exit (and get crash) or perhaps abort with Task Manager and maybe then get the error. I have tried all the skins, and the problem is the same. I have screenshots of the different states but these are over the size limits even when zipped.
The error logs show access violation or stack overflow errors. I have again run all the memory tests and diagnostics but no problems.
you can send us screenshots to our email address…
I have tried with zip files and can’t reproduce this.
Opening using button, using explorer filelist, using recent.
Closing or not closing zip before opening next.
Reuse windows or not active.All OK.
I wonder if the size of the zips (number of files in filelist) is causing this - have you tried with small zips to check?
@PA_Fan:Using the modern skin, if I open a first zip I get a normal screen. If I then open a 2nd zip, the second display is corrupt, with two occurrences of the “Standard” box in the toolbar.
Not sure what this Standard box is - do you mean the PA window title or something else?
The zips are all different sizes from very small - 101kb- to 118,500KB.
I get this problem less if I open files from the recent list rather than opening the folder with the Open button.
After opening an archive, you have under Home the panels labelled Standard, Tools, Backup and Burner.
In the phenomenon I refer to (I have sent screenshots by email-support ticket 6971) the Tools panel becomes filled with most of the elements of the Standard panel (but in a corrupt way) i.e. the panels displayed are Standard (Corrupted), Standard (corrupted), Backup and Burner. At this point it either locks up and has to be killed (with an App Error) or sometimes the exits work and PA exits with an App error thereafter
Ok, so filelist is not a problem.
@PA_Fan:After opening an archive, you have under Home the panels labelled Standard, Tools, Backup and Burner.
I understand what you are referring to now - the Ribbon.
However, I have that layout of the ribbon before opening an archive!
After opening it changes to Standard, Tools, File and File List.
Whereas Backup and Burner “move” under the Tools ribbon.No other ideas, so let’s leave this with support (spwolf) now.
I’ve now got PA 11.01.02 installed. However, this problem carries on happening, with the error being either a stack over flow or an access violation.
I’ve analyzed the Dr Watson dump with Win Debug, but without an inside knowledge of PA this doesn’t really help me.
I’m happy to send a copy of the .dmp file or of the Debug outputs if this will help anyone.
I’ve now got PA 11.01.02 installed. However, this problem carries on happening, with the error being either a stack over flow or an access violation.
I’ve analyzed the Dr Watson dump with Win Debug, but without an inside knowledge of PA this doesn’t really help me.
I’m happy to send a copy of the .dmp file or of the Debug outputs if this will help anyone.
i am sure you did already, but just to make sure - did you try deleting, manually, HKLM and HKCU\Software\PowerArchiver keys, and see if that makes any difference with completly default settings (do not change anything)…
I did try this, plus a cleanup with the Revo uninstaller as suggested elsewhere.
I will try again.
However, on looking at the HKEY_Local_Machine\software keys, I notice that there isn’t an entry for Powerarchiver (keys go from Policies to Program Groups, no PA in between).
There is an HKEY_Current_User entry.
Is this significant?
Probably not - I don’t have a PowerArchiver (or Conexware) HKLM_Local_Machine\SOFTWARE key either.
Just HKeyUsers and HKCU.
you shouldnt have one :-)
I’ve Revo uninstalled PA, checked the registry to ensure all entries are gone (they are) and reinstalled and re-registered the latest version (11.01.02).
Beyond that I’ve done nothing else to change it (skins, prefs etc.)I’ve then opened a lot of zips one after another, deleted some files from them, added some and so forth.
I have NOT had the “error on exit” with PA set up as delivered.
What do you suggest now? I could go through each customisation option one by one to see if any changes cause a recurrence of the errors, but I’m a bit short of time right now.
Please advise.
yes - going through options will definetly show what is the cause of the issue.
Keep in mind that by simply deleting the reg key, you will reset all the settings, so you do not have to install/uninstall all the time.
II have NOT had the “error on exit” with PA set up as delivered.
What do you suggest now? I could go through each customisation option one by one to see if any changes cause a recurrence of the errors, but I’m a bit short of time right now.
DO you “know” which options you had changed/activated - it might be caused by a combination, so if you can identify them all, maybe others could help identify the faulting set.
I think I’m getting somewhere.
The problem originates with archive comments.
- If I open an archive with comments (given that the default is not to show comments when opening the archive) and pull up the comment by clicking the bottom bar icon, I can then change this to “enabled”. When I do so, the next round of identical test zip-opening iterations causes a PA hang necessitating process kill.
- If I check the “Dock archive comments” box in Miscellaneous settings, then I get the exit error which in tests so far is a stack overflow.
Again, unchecking this and then retracing the archive opening etc. steps allows me to exit without error.
Machine processes/loading and other relevant factors are as they were when this first and thereafter arose.
I have a detailed list thus far of all settings and actions concerning the diagnostic process.
I have now made all the changes to my settings and configuration of PA to make them as they were previously.
However, I HAVE NOT enabled Comment Docking or Comment display on archive open (these were enabled before).I have tested all archives by opening each one at random, extracting files, deleting files and so on. The error hasn’t occurred again.
If I change the Comments settings, I get the errors noted in my last post. Ergo, I am sure that the problem lies with the handling of comments. I’m surprised that no-one else has encountered this!
Well I don’t use comments, so wouldn’t have come across this.
thanks, checking it out
please check with updated release via web update or download page and let us know… thank you!
I’ve downloaded 11.01.03 and installed it, and so far, so good - no app error on exit with the Comments options enabled.
The screen refresh when leaving one zip and opening another is also greatly improved.
I’ve given everything a good testing with as many permutations as I can manage, and it looks like this error is now well and truly fixed.
Good work.
goodies, thanks for the report