Can you include .3MF to the list of re-compressible formats? Its structure is similar to MS Office 2007 documents and Open Document Format. It is a ZIP Deflate archive with XML data and some JPG, and/or PNG pictures inside. Otherwise, if I try to compress .3MF it bearly makes it smaller unless I recompress .3MF to the Store setting then it makes it a lot smaller.
Wish they all would move to 7zip ZSTD in the first place so that the optimized file size with FileOptimizer would be 50% of the ZIP Deflate version. And there would be no extra compression needed :)
I noticed that the option to add the optimize archive function to the context menu is missing on Windows 10.
Opening each archive with the interface in order to click it becomes tedious with many files.
Same for others functions like Remove Archive Encryption
Why can't you delete files from a solid 7zip archive?
why can’t you delete files from a solid 7zip archive?
Solid archives treat their files as if it was one single large file. Thats how maximum compression is achived and for the same reason, you cant differentiate between files to delete them.
you might have forgotton that you can detlete from some 7zip files that are not solid.
isn’t it possible that PA have a function to auto. extract the solid 7zip archive and then recompress it to solid archive with the new added file?
of course this would take longer than compressing a non-solid archive, but this would help the user ;)
In general, these kind of workarounds (for cab too) are unwelcome. Most people would say… “geez, PA takes 25 minutes to add 10kb file to my 7zip archive”
I don’t necessarily agree with this. I’d rather have a slow way to do something than NO way to do something. In my opinion people who use options such as solid archives should be aware of the consequences anyway. It’s so much more efficient to just automate it than make the person manually extract then manually recompress the entire thing! I know WinRAR offers this for solid rar files and I’ve used it on many occasions. If you’re really so concerned about your speedy image you could always post an extra statistic for re-creating solid archives. Or pop up a little dialog window saying “it’s not my fault this is going to take a long time!” :)
I’d rather have a slow way to do something than NO way to do something.
me, too :rolleyes:
hope they impiment this
think this thread can be moved to wishlist ;)
who? what? eh?
what people are trying to say is they want the program to open the solid archive and then when they delete some files it to extract the files then remake the archive as before but this time with the deleted files.
i meant to say implemented.
In general, these kind of workarounds (for cab too) are unwelcome. Most people would say… “geez, PA takes 25 minutes to add 10kb file to my 7zip archive”
Warning: because your archive file is compressed with the solid option this operation is likely to take some time. Continue anyway ?
re-compressing 7zip archives due to add - bump. detection of non solid 7zip - bump.