Can you include .3MF to the list of re-compressible formats? Its structure is similar to MS Office 2007 documents and Open Document Format. It is a ZIP Deflate archive with XML data and some JPG, and/or PNG pictures inside. Otherwise, if I try to compress .3MF it bearly makes it smaller unless I recompress .3MF to the Store setting then it makes it a lot smaller.
Wish they all would move to 7zip ZSTD in the first place so that the optimized file size with FileOptimizer would be 50% of the ZIP Deflate version. And there would be no extra compression needed :)
I noticed that the option to add the optimize archive function to the context menu is missing on Windows 10.
Opening each archive with the interface in order to click it becomes tedious with many files.
Same for others functions like Remove Archive Encryption
Resizing PAES (minor request)
I appears that the user cannot resize the PAES window (well, at least this user can’t).
It would be nice to resize it so the word/pdf options are not off the visible screen.
you are starting the exe directly or?
Yes. I have shortcuts to For PACloud, PAES, and Burner on my desktop. PAES has more options clearly available than opening the ES via the PA Window.
If I click and drag on the edges, seems to resize properly.
How are you performing the resize and it does not work?
Let me know, I’ll give it a try -
Doesn’t do that for me on either computer (7 and 8). I can just close it, close it while holding shift, close it while hold Ctrl, or close it by closing Ctrl-shift.
I suppose once again my computers are acting different than yours.
I also tried it with and without run as administrator.
What’s odder, on my laptop the default is to open maximized, even though in the shortcut properties I have it set to open as a “Normal window.”
When I install PA, should I – or should I not — run the exe as administrator.
and on a different matter. I was curious about my question concerning Richard’s post. Dokes PAES encrypt word files using its own encryption engine? Or word’s?
Here’s a short video that shows how the PAES window resize works in this case. me know if I’m doing something differently. Thanks!
I was unclear. I apologize. [embarrassed emoticon] I assume you knew I knew how to resize. the problem is getting the new size to stick once I close and reopen.
With most programs. If you resize, then close while holding down one of the control keys (Ctrl, Shft, Alt, or sometimes a combo), it will stick.
For me, anyway, it won’t stick. Next session, I have to manually resize it.
Indeed, the window size is not saved. Checked all of the other apps and window size is properly saved, as the PAES window also should be, so logging this in.
Thanks again Socrates! :)
sorry I was unclear the first time. My bad.
BTW, this is not pressing . . . but could you give me some guidance on the two questions in #6 above?
Fixed in version 15. Thanks, Mili.