Can you include .3MF to the list of re-compressible formats? Its structure is similar to MS Office 2007 documents and Open Document Format. It is a ZIP Deflate archive with XML data and some JPG, and/or PNG pictures inside. Otherwise, if I try to compress .3MF it bearly makes it smaller unless I recompress .3MF to the Store setting then it makes it a lot smaller.
Wish they all would move to 7zip ZSTD in the first place so that the optimized file size with FileOptimizer would be 50% of the ZIP Deflate version. And there would be no extra compression needed :)
I noticed that the option to add the optimize archive function to the context menu is missing on Windows 10.
Opening each archive with the interface in order to click it becomes tedious with many files.
Same for others functions like Remove Archive Encryption
Unsolved How to add a profile to context menu (pw protected .exe)
I’d like to a profile that:
a) Span file in 10MB parts
b) to .exe
c) password protected
d) filename as per original filename
e) add this profile to shell ext.but… how??
(maybe it is not possible)TIA
not possible…. YET
yep he just loves baiting us with the idea that it’s “Just around the corner”…:)
well it is currently not around the corner, but when user goes to the lengths to draw what he wants, who are we to deny him? :-)
I think we will be adding EXE compression format in the future, instead of ZIP SFX or 7ZIP SFX… you simply create… SFX! :-)
Well, I have brought up this idea on earlier occassions.
Threads “How to: add password protected .exe to RMB” and “Encrypt folders as self-extracting file”.
Guess, once every half year or so I give it a try again :)For compressing to a pw protected exe file (which I think should be available in a tool like PA), I am now using a simple free tool, which is a bit peculiar I think.
The free tool can not span though, but then again, it is free, so obviously one is a bit ‘limited’ on having all kinds of demands.Anyway… “I’ll be back” :)
In the release notes of 15.03.04 it says
Improved SFX support – added support for more SFX archives.regretfully still not rightclick zip to pw protected .exe :-(
(also ref: “How to zip to exe different files individually”)
moved this to wishlist for upcoming PA 2016.
added to the wishlist again… should be very usable with new PA format and many different options possible.