Can you include .3MF to the list of re-compressible formats? Its structure is similar to MS Office 2007 documents and Open Document Format. It is a ZIP Deflate archive with XML data and some JPG, and/or PNG pictures inside. Otherwise, if I try to compress .3MF it bearly makes it smaller unless I recompress .3MF to the Store setting then it makes it a lot smaller.
Wish they all would move to 7zip ZSTD in the first place so that the optimized file size with FileOptimizer would be 50% of the ZIP Deflate version. And there would be no extra compression needed :)
I noticed that the option to add the optimize archive function to the context menu is missing on Windows 10.
Opening each archive with the interface in order to click it becomes tedious with many files.
Same for others functions like Remove Archive Encryption
Suggestion for PAOP
I may be able to do what I want done. I just haven’t figured out how. Either I want to know how to do it, OR, I want to add a feature to PAOP. Here’s the problem. I never use plain ZIP with legacy compression for storing a file on my computer. The only time I ever use plain ZIP is to email a zip file to someone else. That is the only format I can count on other users being able to open. Why is that a problem? When I define my compression profile for ZIP, I choose zipx, ultra and optimized compression . . . 'cause that is what I want to use for any file strored on my computer. If I want to use PAOP I must choose a profile. If I choose ZIP . . . it uses those settings. But then a number of users cannot open the compressed file. To make PAOP more useful I have to change my ZIP compression profile . . . but that clashes with the ZIPX settings I want for files I store on my computer. Is there a way to work around this problem? If not, could you add a way to do this within PAOP? I mention this now since you indicated, in any earlier note, that you all were currently updating that plugin. Best
Thanks Socrates,
Reference PAOP, I created a thread that indicated key area’s that i felt would benefit PA Users when using Outlook.
Have a Look at PAOP V3 Wish List
Within this was settings to be importable & exportable via the main applications configuration settings and adaptive compression methods based on standard defaults and a users personal preferences.
When I define my compression profile for ZIP, I choose zipx, ultra and optimized compression . . . 'cause that is what I want to use for any file strored on my computer. If I want to use PAOP I must choose a profile. If I choose ZIP . . . it uses those settings. But then a number of users cannot open the compressed file. To make PAOP more useful I have to change my ZIP compression profile
I can’t remember exactly how the profile choice in PAOP works (no longer use Outlook) but in PowerArchiver why not create a new profile (ZipEmail) with the settings you need for email? Or (ZipForMe) with the settings you use for yourself?
I may be able to do what I want done. I just haven’t figured out how. Either I want to know how to do it, OR, I want to add a feature to PAOP. Here’s the problem. I never use plain ZIP with legacy compression for storing a file on my computer. The only time I ever use plain ZIP is to email a zip file to someone else. That is the only format I can count on other users being able to open. Why is that a problem? When I define my compression profile for ZIP, I choose zipx, ultra and optimized compression . . . 'cause that is what I want to use for any file strored on my computer. If I want to use PAOP I must choose a profile. If I choose ZIP . . . it uses those settings. But then a number of users cannot open the compressed file. To make PAOP more useful I have to change my ZIP compression profile . . . but that clashes with the ZIPX settings I want for files I store on my computer. Is there a way to work around this problem? If not, could you add a way to do this within PAOP? I mention this now since you indicated, in any earlier note, that you all were currently updating that plugin. Best
did you try configuring it out in PAOP?
Basically you need to skip using PA, but rather attach the file to Outlook as usual (not zip file, but original extension), then set your default settings in PAOP and let PAOP compress it based on PAOP settings.
For PAOP settings go to: Outlook> File> Options> Add-ins> Add-in Options button on the top.
That setting is separate from PA’s own shell extensions but again you need to use Send> to email rather than PA shell, so actual PAOP will do the work.
Makes sense?
Hmm. That’s what I thought I had tried. apparently not. Sorry.
were you sending via PA shell?
any suggestions are welcome… we are working on standalone email attachment program right now.