Can you include .3MF to the list of re-compressible formats? Its structure is similar to MS Office 2007 documents and Open Document Format. It is a ZIP Deflate archive with XML data and some JPG, and/or PNG pictures inside. Otherwise, if I try to compress .3MF it bearly makes it smaller unless I recompress .3MF to the Store setting then it makes it a lot smaller.
Wish they all would move to 7zip ZSTD in the first place so that the optimized file size with FileOptimizer would be 50% of the ZIP Deflate version. And there would be no extra compression needed :)
I noticed that the option to add the optimize archive function to the context menu is missing on Windows 10.
Opening each archive with the interface in order to click it becomes tedious with many files.
Same for others functions like Remove Archive Encryption
Context Menu: Multi-Extract files->multiple folders
Up front - I vainly tried to find a solution for the below. Am not sure whether:
- it has been requested before
- it is already on the wishlist
- it is already possible
Explorer, right window panel, there are a few ‘single’ .rar files (i.e. not a ‘set’, like part01, part02)blabla - file1.rar
this is - file2.rar
another-file3.rarI want to ctrl-select these files, rmb extract to folders named after the files.
Is this possible? (using context menu…!)
If not, is it on the wishlist ?
If not, wud you move this to the wishlist section?TIA
each file to its own folder? it is option in config> shell ext> extract….
ah … tsk tsk … ahum… :o :o
it was the last option I did nót add to context menu and have to confess I did not check it (more or less assuming it was not possible I only checked the forum).
Deep sigh … :oDon’t dare to ask but… if I have a number of single files and I want to extract into different folders in a new subfolder.
blabla - file1.rar
this is - file2.rar
x:\other folder\bla bla - file1
etc.So I cud select and drop them elsewhere and hv them extracted in the above way.
A kind of Create New Folder to extract to…Something like the below.
why not just use extact with options? no need to drag and drop…
guess (optional) context menu items are faster?
it would still load options screen though, where you would have to enter the file name you would want.
Yep. My current filehandler has these options (copy/move to). It works great. I drag and drop files to a subfolder, it autofills the path, you only need to insert the last folder name.
Well anyway… was just an idea.:)
Yep. My current filehandler has these options (copy/move to). It works great. I drag and drop files to a subfolder, it autofills the path, you only need to insert the last folder name.
Well anyway… was just an idea.:)
so you want Compress + Options, with preffiled path that is taken from drag and drop folder?
No, extract.
The idea was: I have -say- 3 different zip/rar files in my downloadfolder, select them all, thén I want to use “Extract to \filename”, but then in a different folder (e.g. temp).I guess the easiest way (minimum of mouseclicks) wud be by drag and drop them into \temp whilst using the extract to \filename
When I do this now, select 3 files, drag drop them elsewhere, I have the flwg items in my context menu
- extract here
- extract to x\folder\filename\
However, in this case, filename are not 3 separate folders, but just 1.
so you want Compress + Options, with preffiled path that is taken from drag and drop folder?
yeah, i meant extract… long day at the office ;-)
No problem, but I guess my suggestion still stands then? :)
I.e. select different single (not a part-set) archive files, drag-and-drop them elsewhere and to be extracted as single archives. Same as extract to \filename, but then in a different folder.
thanks. -
you want extract with options, with prepopulated extract to field (with drag and drop destination entered there).
yep. like in my below posting with the little screendump, where ‘move’ obviously shd be replaced by ‘extract’.