Can you include .3MF to the list of re-compressible formats? Its structure is similar to MS Office 2007 documents and Open Document Format. It is a ZIP Deflate archive with XML data and some JPG, and/or PNG pictures inside. Otherwise, if I try to compress .3MF it bearly makes it smaller unless I recompress .3MF to the Store setting then it makes it a lot smaller.
Wish they all would move to 7zip ZSTD in the first place so that the optimized file size with FileOptimizer would be 50% of the ZIP Deflate version. And there would be no extra compression needed :)
I noticed that the option to add the optimize archive function to the context menu is missing on Windows 10.
Opening each archive with the interface in order to click it becomes tedious with many files.
Same for others functions like Remove Archive Encryption
Customizable Shell Extentions
Hi Guys,
This is something that I have wanted for some time. But we have been so busy with the testing of PA V.11 So at the time I decided to leave it for a bit!
Now we have a stable release I feel that the “Shell Extentions” could do with a little tweak and some minor improvments.
These being;
1. The ability for the user to create their own “Sub Menu’s”.
For example I have often wanted to create a sub menu called “FTP & Email” for the menu FTP & email and a custom sub called “Misc Archives” for things like CAB’s, ISO’s, TAR, LHA etc.
This would allow me to have all the options in a clean and organised manor around my user requirements.
2. Option to Rename current sub names. ie I dont want “Compress & FTP” I just want “FTP” as I know it compresses it.
3. The ability to “APPLY” Changes so a user can preview the changes without having to “OK” out of the configuiration screen.
4. The option to reset any changes made back to Default “with a prompt”.
Obviosly, should I wish to customize my own menus and give them their own names and want to roll out the same configuiration to other computers as Long as I know where the registry key is I can export them. Or if PA can include the ability to save settings as a file type that could be run on another system that would be great.