Can you include .3MF to the list of re-compressible formats? Its structure is similar to MS Office 2007 documents and Open Document Format. It is a ZIP Deflate archive with XML data and some JPG, and/or PNG pictures inside. Otherwise, if I try to compress .3MF it bearly makes it smaller unless I recompress .3MF to the Store setting then it makes it a lot smaller.
Wish they all would move to 7zip ZSTD in the first place so that the optimized file size with FileOptimizer would be 50% of the ZIP Deflate version. And there would be no extra compression needed :)
I noticed that the option to add the optimize archive function to the context menu is missing on Windows 10.
Opening each archive with the interface in order to click it becomes tedious with many files.
Same for others functions like Remove Archive Encryption
Better pae tools
what i’m looking foir is a way to send a pae file to someone that does not have powerarchiver, so they can use
Nice Idea! I wonder if this could be murged into the SFX Wizard?
I know that with “Steganos” you can download an decrypter program free of charge that allows you to decrypt any “.sef” file from security suite.
Very handy to have esspecially when you consider the cost of the application itself.
As far as i know it is possible to create an self-extracting archive with PEA encryption. The .exe file can be send to the persons without PA.
As far as i know it is possible to create an self-extracting archive with PEA encryption. The .exe file can be send to the persons without PA.
Jr Heuwing, your rite It would be possible to use PAE encryption when creating a SFX method.
Maybe spwolf or another member of PA can clear this up? and if possible add this to the wish list for PA 2008!
Currently the user only has 3 options, ZIP, CAB or 7-ZIP SFX. The PAE Encryption is unique to PowerArchiver. so I think standard encryption protocols are used for the three.
it doesnt really fit into sfx wizard since pae is just container format. So you still have to select what compression to use.
i understand its a container format but it would be nice to have the option of self extracting pae files as i use it all the time to store all type of compession files like rar and zip 7zip in one file which is only possible with pae as i don’t want to compress each compressed file in the pae.
pae is powerfully and usefully.
you can then create zip file without compression maybe and then turn it into PAE?
true but it doesn’t answer how the user without powerarchiver can extract the files within the pae