Can you include .3MF to the list of re-compressible formats? Its structure is similar to MS Office 2007 documents and Open Document Format. It is a ZIP Deflate archive with XML data and some JPG, and/or PNG pictures inside. Otherwise, if I try to compress .3MF it bearly makes it smaller unless I recompress .3MF to the Store setting then it makes it a lot smaller.
Wish they all would move to 7zip ZSTD in the first place so that the optimized file size with FileOptimizer would be 50% of the ZIP Deflate version. And there would be no extra compression needed :)
I noticed that the option to add the optimize archive function to the context menu is missing on Windows 10.
Opening each archive with the interface in order to click it becomes tedious with many files.
Same for others functions like Remove Archive Encryption
Decompression Queue?
Since unpacking multiple archives at once is rather taxing on the hard drive, could some sort of queue occur that will unpack sequentially rather than simultaneously?
what about compression queue?
Personally, I have a greater need for the decompression queue; however, if you have the time to code it in, I’m sure that a compression queue might come in handy for someone else.
Personally, I have a greater need for the decompression queue; however, if you have the time to code it in, I’m sure that a compression queue might come in handy for someone else.
it is really the same, if we have time for one, we will for another.
I think first time we gave thought to this was for PA 2002 or PA 2003, time simply flies. -
seconds”.Or would it work like a priority system? Something like…
"When processing multiple archives use [Priority]High = Process all files simultaneously
Med = Process all files sequentially
Low = Process all files sequentially & sleep 3 seconds between archivesI may not have a good understanding of the concept so I am receptive of corrections etc. ;)
Try extracting two 600+mb rar archives from/to the same drive and you’ll see what I’m trying to avoid. Each one alone can zip-by in 30 seconds, but when they are run simultaneously, it can turn out to be a 4 minute system killer.
As for your suggestions, I’m not sure I would make it that complicated. The idea of having to go through multiple user inputs just to extract or compress an archive is ludicrous. Something as simple as having a global option checkbox for “Extract multiple archives sequentially”. (High/Med in your example) What value would waiting for three seconds between archives add?
no need to worry, you let us know what you want, and we design it :-). I would love to have this in, lets see how complicated it is.
I’m not sure I would make it that complicated. The idea of having to go through multiple user inputs just to extract or compress an archive is ludicrous. Something as simple as having a global option checkbox for “Extract multiple archives sequentially”. (High/Med in your example) What value would waiting for three seconds between archives add?
Well I meant as a global option. Not something you would change\select every time your working with files. That would drive me nuts lol
I imagined a tab with either the time concept or priority idea. Kinda a set it and forget it feature with the addition of a menu item to enable\disable the feature.
Since you may not always want to use the feature and this way you can quickly revert to the default behavior without going into the settings screen. If all that makes sense?
no need to worry, you let us know what you want, and we design it :-). I would love to have this in, lets see how complicated it is.
We just may take you up on that :D
This post is deleted! -
my only problem so far is that only way to make it work, it will require a bit of space in the installer, and I hate to make PA over 4MB. Marc will definetly have to create few tiny skins for inclusion in PA :-).
Maybe you can implement the feature and stay under the 4MB mark? if it goes over, maybe the functionality will justify the larger installer?
Well I meant as a global option. Not something you would change\select every time your working with files. That would drive me nuts lol
I imagined a tab with either the time concept or priority idea. Kinda a set it and forget it feature with the addition of a menu item to enable\disable the feature.
Since you may not always want to use the feature and this way you can quickly revert to the default behavior without going into the settings screen. If all that makes sense?
We just may take you up on that :D
Pretty much on the same page then, except for the time issue. I’m trying to figure out why a time gap between extractions is useful…
theres no need to make the installer any bigger if you make it a plugin that people can download latter on if they require it.
Pretty much on the same page then, except for the time issue. I’m trying to figure out why a time gap between extractions is useful…
Well I admit my understanding of the topic is not as good as it could be. So perhaps the timer is not required at all. (shrugs shoulders)
I guess all is needed is something like: when done working with A goto B etc. etc.
So we’ll scratch the timer ;)
theres no need to make the installer any bigger if you make it a plugin that people can download latter on if they require it.
If that could be done it would work. But shouldn’t a feature such as this be standard in PA as opposed to an addon? Just thinking about both sides I guess.
obviously, such integrated feature can not be plugin…