Release Notes - PowerArchiver - Version 17.00.57 (since .50)
** Improvement
[PA-652] - winaes - error optimization [PA-654] - use skin bg in preview [PA-656] - save burner window size if user clicks on back button [PA-659] - .tar.z files should be extracted directly like .tar.gz [PA-667] - deltb filter: improved settings for better progress reporting [PA-672] - shell compression options windows does not save last used setting [PA-686] - portable: user selection for x86 or x64 installation [PA-687] - portable: burner using main PA registration [PA-690] - skins: reset back to default file format icons when default skins are used [PA-691] - skins: set missing format icons to default icon [PA-696] - expand PA starter do you want to close screen [PA-702] - remove codecs from folders in file list [PA-704] - add more extensions to exe/dll step under optimized strong [PA-705] - show update message when unsupported method error is shown in .pa [PA-708] - adjust jpeg compression step with new settings for buffer and failover [PA-719] - apk in reflate only in extreme setting [PA-720] - adjustment settings for exe/dll step [PA-724] - unsupported codec error message on doubleclick and preview in archive [PA-727] - Expand default sort fields size [PA-734] - portable: disable update check [PA-754] - implement new bwt1 codec for text** Task
[PA-581] - patchbeam troubleshooting [PA-674] - disable hints of .pa archives [PA-675] - ppmd set memory usage to match total file size like rep1 [PA-692] - testing test with winaes archives [PA-710] - create debug dll shell version for deployment [PA-711] - check task scheduler starting deleted backup script [PA-712] - dynamic mem allocation for rep under zstd2 (compressed step) [PA-713] - set defaults resets old values for some formats [PA-714] - add (Advaced Codec Pack) next to PA radio button [PA-722] - jpeg memory setting, round up by 1MB** New Feature
[PA-697] - jumplist with recent files and backups mru, as well as new file/backup entries. [PA-698] - estimate compressed file size inside solid archives (.pa and .7z) [PA-706] - bsc as new text codec for text step [PA-707] - create reflate/text optimize strong step [PA-716] - compression step for wav and bmp files [PA-731] - in optimize strong: normal, compressed file step has full mem always, no need for compressed step? [PA-758] - implement bwt2 and qlfc2 codec for text [PA-759] - implement bwt2 and qlfc2 for reflate/text step** Bug
[PA-387] - Stopping Backup freezes PA [PA-470] - of-normal wrong rep mem setting (not set at all) [PA-537] - shell: create latest debug shell dll? [PA-668] - clicking on OK in config reloads current skin [PA-671] - jpeg over 64 MB step - rep1 memory not set to total file size [PA-683] - backup: browse button not shown under some resolutions in my computer tab [PA-693] - reuse windows does not work [PA-694] - error during switching between archive and explorer and then closing PA [PA-699] - PA .51 installs as portable on 32bit OS [PA-717] - reflate not using mt2 anymore? [PA-718] - cant delete lepton compressed files from archive [PA-723] - nag screen a bit off [PA-725] - exe/dll step does not work with 2/19 internal build [PA-726] - reset trial, codec pack trial should use same date [PA-728] - cannot register .53 [PA-729] - Updating to 2017 from 2016 and 2017 offline code does not work [PA-732] - optimized strong: lzma2 set with c1M and mt2 [PA-733] - portable: first run shows associate window [PA-736] - pa mini does not extract specific .pa archive, shell does [PA-743] - Add window via Add button missing Select Files/Folder and Remove button [PA-745] - .PA compression progress dialog does not show filenames compressedWhats New
New text codec (bwt/qlfc), 3x-4x faster than previous one.
Failover for jpeg codec implemented
Lots of fixes and improvements
Please check it out and let us know if your bugs noted above are fixed indeed.
PA Team
ConeXware, Inc.