On installing the program I am getting the error message:
"Unable to execute file c:\Program Files\PowerArchiver\pashutil.exe
CreateProcess failed: code 2
The system cannot find the file specified"
This can’t be right!
I am using the latest official build of Windows 11
Buttons are not properly aligned on About screen.
about window.png
Buttons not aligned on configuration window.
New version:
PowerArchiver 2023 - 22.00.10:
New build for some bug fixes and issues - full list to come with new update. Please test and see if you have any issues.
Thanks everyone for your assistance!
New version:
PowerArchiver 2023 - 22.00.11:
New build for some bug fixes and issues - full list to come with new update. Please test and see if you have any issues.
Thanks everyone for your assistance!
Just tried using the Modern (Windows 10) Icon set and seeing a few missing icons in both PowerArchiver Burner and PowerArchiver Encryption screens . They are all there in the Minimalistik icon set and the only difference I can see is the former is blue and the latter grey. In version 22.00.9
Hi everyone, some good news about PowerArchiver… I’ve managed to get in touch with the original developer of PowerArchiver, Ivan Petrovic, and he has confirmed that the product is not dead or abandoned, in fact it is still very much alive! There has been a hiatus over the past months for various reasons, but that we should expect to see stuff coming through in the coming months (hopefully the next 2 months).
I had a large .tar file (a backed up WSL) and I want to delete a few directories and their contents from it using PA2023.
PA just destroys the whole archive as soon as I try to delete a directory, leaving it in a state where PA2023 won’t even open it any more.
I tried several times and also tried compressing it to .tar.xz instead - same result.
This should either actually work, or it should say operation not supported and do nothing.
The regular version of PA 2023 is out for over 6 months now, but there is still no sign of the portable release.
(When) will there be one?
Is there currently no portable version of PA2023 available?
(When) do you plan to release one?
Win 11 64 bit
I have some archives which have been encrypted, using the encrypt option either in pbs or when interactively creating a zip. When I open these, and look at files, I am asked for passwords, which I know, and then can view items or decrypt the files in the archive (tools>decrypt files).
However, when I use the Actions>Remove Archive Encryption (whether using the same zip or asking to write another), the routine shows progress bar to the end, but then just hangs i.e. “OK” never activates. All process information shows this stalled/hanging.
What can I do to sort this out?
For example:
Download this ZIP file: http://dslstats.me.uk/files/dslstats32W-6.5.zip
Everything in the ZIP file is in a directory “dslstats32W-6.5”.
However when I extract using right click “Extract Here” the name of the directory created is “2W-6.5” !
I am running PA 22.00.09 on Windows 11. I have seen the same happen with some other kinds of archive too.
If I compress a folder to a .pa using right click, Compress to folder.pa and use the new Windows 11 menu then the Options, Configuration, Miscellaneous, Use normal relative path setting is always enabled.
But I like this option disabled so I have to use the old style menu in order to get PA to compress a folder in the way I wish.
PA 22.00.09
PA 22.00.09 shows a nag screen, when I try to open some setting windows. I have already PA 2023 Toolbox and PA shows, that it’s licensed in the info dialog.
PA 22.00.09
Some labels in the help toolbar are not translated:
PA main page is misleading.
Following on from deipotents post
http://www.powerarchiver.com/forums/showthread.php?t=405I looked at the home page http://www.powerarchiver.com
The second paragraph states
PowerArchiver is a truly global archive utility, fully localized in over 10 languages, including French, German, Italian, Czech, Finnish and many others.
and links to http://www.powerarchiver.com/translations where it states
PowerArchiver is a truly global archive utility, fully localized in 12 different languages.
and links to http://www.powerarchiver.com/download
Where versions of PA 2004 are available in
English, French, German, Polish, Slovak and Italian. :confused:I realise there is/will be delays for translations, but couldn’t the pages at least be consistent?
Reading the main page gives the impression that PA 2004 is available in “over 10 languages” and the language page gives the impression that PA 2004 is available in 12 languages.
This is misleading as PA 2004 is only available in 6 languages.
PowerArchiver has been translated into French, German, Italian, Polish, Slovak, Czech, and Finnish. Older versions of PowerArchiver are available in Greek, Croatian, Portuguese, and Malaysian.
The previous version (PA 2003) is only available in Finnish and Czech.
The older version (PA 2001) is only available in Greek, Croatian, Portuguese and Malaysian.I realise there is a distinction between the general term “PowerArchiver” and “PowerArchiver 2004”, but how many casual browsers would, especially as both pages use the general term? At least, Finnish and Czech should be incorporated into the “older versions list”.
Similarly, the comparison chart “Championship Manager Test” refers to “PowerArchiver 9.0” - again given the distiction between names above, is this supposed to be a different version to PowerArchiver, PowerArchiver 2001, PowerArchiver 2003 and PowerArchiver 2004 ?